His Butler, At the Funeral

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"Look what that bitch did to my hair, Mr. Spooder! I'm done.." I shook my head as a dramatic tear fell. "Stop being a fool! We need to cover your wound" I looked up at Ciel "Yeah but how? Either I take off my suit or we just wrap it around with the damn thing on!"

Ciel glanced down for a second, must've been in thought. Then he looked up with a face full of red. Oh no, Ciel. Dont tell me you actually want me t--"Take off your suit"

My lips flattened "Dear sir, you know what is under my suit rig--We dont have time! Quit being stubborn and take it off! Do you want to die?" Huh. Sounds like I've heard that before...

Oh yeah! In Book of Atlantic. Lizzie wouldnt take off her dress. That makes sense.

I sighed and put my hand near my shoulder where Mr. Spooder was. He hopped down and I sat him on my leg so he wouldnt get pulled off into the rain. I pulled the zipper in the front down. Once it got to the bottom, I moved it out the way some and let Ciel do his work.

"Ok, so I have a little bottle of Rubbing Alcohol in my belt so we..." I looked back up at him, his face was so fucking red! It was cute though! I wanted to hug him but lives were at stake!

Mine .-.

I clapped my hands "Blueberry, come the hell on." He nervously nodded as I gave him the small container. He poured it on the stab wound and I sucked in some breath. "Jesus, this shit burns!" I bit my lip as it cooled some but good G O D

Never again

He put the starting bandage by the stab and then covered it, soon wrapping it around. I smiled at him "Never knew you could do this. Who taught you?" Of course, he ignored me. I smacked my lips and glanced up. These two were still going at it but, it looked like it was the part where Sebastian clogs his Death Scythe. I felt a hand brush against one of my girls. I looked back at Ciel "Calm down now, I'm dyin'. Sex can wait" His face lit up for the millionth time as he glared at me "I WASN'T--Im jokin', I'm jokin'. Jesus" I laughed and coughed again.


I looked down and see the excellent work Tiny Baby has done. I sat up and pat his head "Good Job, Ciel! You have saved me!" He rolled his eye. I zipped my suit back up and put Mr. Spooder back on my shoulder. Then, I went back to watching the show.

I narrowed my eyes at Grell as they pounced to each other. 'I wish I could just drench his ass in water. See how that helps' I crossed my arms and let out a 'pfft'.

"Yes, My Fair Lady"

I looked around in con-fucking-fusion. What the fuck was that? I looked back up and saw it had stopped raining by the two inhumans. My mouth opened in shock at the big ass bubble of water above the redhead Reaper. I let out a laugh as it dropped on him. He yelped and then whined as he fell to the ground.

He sat up and gripped his clothes "I should've never came out here in the rain! I tried to tell her but no, we just had to get the last girl! Why me, my hair!" That's when he looked down at his Weapon. He gawked at it "What the hell!" I started laughing. What the hell was that!?

What ever it was, it was funny as hell. Not gonna lie. I sat back up and scratched my head, sadly feeling the part he cut and immediately sulked.

I heard a few grunts and shouts here and there. My eyes widened and I sat up. "Sit tight Mr. Spooder" I got into position as Grell's face hit the roof. "Please! Just stop!" I ran up and jumped "This is for my hair, goddamnit!" I twirled and kicked his cheek, watching as he skidded on the ground.

As I fell, a tug was in my collar. I already knew it was Sebs. "Why would you pull something like that? You're injured enough" I crossed my arms "I have my reasons" The Butler sat me down and made his way over to Grell.

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