Her Adventures, FINNY!!

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A blonde gardener was putting in some new plants he had just gotten from the shop. He hummed a little song and he did so in a joyous state.

Quick, little footsteps were heard behind him in the forest. The person hopped up and swung on a tree branch, soon hopping from tree to tree.

The blonde, however, was patting down his last flower "There.." He stood and wiped the sweat off his forehead, putting his hands on his hips "If only Mr. Sebastian was here, he would see what a great job I did!"

The person in the tree was coming closer. Mey-Rin stepped out the door and cupped her mouth "Finny! It's Lunch time!" Finnian looked up and then broke into a smile, getting ready to come over.

Suddenly, something jumped in the air. It was spinning but then untangled itself as its arms and legs were extended. Mey-Rin gasped "FINNY!" The blonde gardener was confused and scared. What was wrong?

Mey-Rin fumbled as she went for her guns under her skirt as the thing came closer to the ground. A window was opened to reveal an annoyed Chef  "Ay, what's all this yellin' abo---WHAT THE HELL 'S THAT" Bard pointed to the object falling.

Finny looked up "What?" He let out a grunt as it fell ontop of him. He rolled with the thing latched onto him. After a series of 'ow's and bumping, Finny was on his back with something attached to his frame.

He groaned and slowly cracked open his eyes as his sea green ones met a (e/c) pair. Finny let out a gasp at how close it was as he tried to ignore the heat on his cheeks "Miss (Y/n)? I didnt know you were coming back" The girl got up and lended out a hand for Finny, but he was in too much of a daze to take it. Hard breathing was heard once Bard and Mey came up infront of them, weapons in hand "W-Where is it? Where'd it go?" Bard looked left and right in confusion.

(Y/n) laughed "It was only me, wanted to give ya a little spook. That's all" The blonde on the ground shook his head from his fantasy world. Finny grasped her hand and she finally pulled him up but bumped chest with him. Finny got embarrassed that he touched her and (Y/n) felt as if nothing was wrong with it.

Mey-Rin smiled "Its been a few weeks, yes it has. Welcome back, (Y/n)" The girl hugged the maroon haired Maid "Good to be back"

(Y/n) and Finny were walking around, hand-in-hand might I add, the Manor and were just chatting about some random stuff

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(Y/n) and Finny were walking around, hand-in-hand might I add, the Manor and were just chatting about some random stuff. She decided to catch up on somethings, plus, what's wrong with hanging around her favorite little Gardener.

Mey, Bard, and Tanaka poked their heads out from behind a wall. "You think they fancy each other?" Mey-Rin cupped her cheeks with a little smile "Oh, I do like a good romance everynow and then~" Bard observed the two. Happy smiles, laughter, hand holding. He scratched his head "It looks like they do... Whatddya think, Gramps?"

Tanaka took a sip of his water and nodded with his "Ho, Ho, Ho" Mey-Rin faced the other two "What should we do?" Bard cupped his chin in thought. He then snapped "I got it, let's follow 'em" Mey sweatdropped "I-Isnt that what were doin' now?"

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