His Butler, Competing

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Soma traveled around the large buildings with a saddened stare. He soon made it to a fountain and sat down.

"And I've had enough of taking care of you, you selfish, spoiled brat!"

He closed his eyes, trying his best to forget the terrible experience. Sometimes, things are best forgotten, right? A few cheers were heard not that far from him. He looked over from his bowed position "So, it has started..." He turned his head back down as a small tear rolled down his coffee toned cheek.

Two little footsteps were coming his way as well as humming. He looked up to see a twirling (Y/n). She had her arms extended and spun far from him as the people dispersed and went to join the crowd. She hopped across the floor from statue to statue.

Her eye lids lift up and instantly connected with his. She slowly walked to a statue but she didnt pop up on the other side. It was likely she teleported. Soma looked left and right for her, he stood and ran over to the large figure, looking on the opposite side to see the (h/c) giggling while being balled up on the floor "Hey, Soma" Huh, so she never moved.

He tried to give her a smile but, it just wasn't worth it. The girl sat up and scooted over, patting the spot on the ground next to her. Soma sat down with her with his head still down. (Y/n) wrapped her left arm around him and sat her head on his shoulder.

"Mina. She left for West, she chose to leave.."

(Y/n) hummed "Oh. She trying to get a piece of that white meat. I dont blaim 'er" Soma looked to her with a lifted brow at her language. (Y/n) uncoiled herself from him and sat her hands down "Not that I dont like me a piece of chocolate everynow and then. Some tastes just hit different"

'Good lord, I suck at giving advice..'

"Ok, well...What's your thoughts on all of this?" Soma looked down as the water rushed in the fountain near them. The wind blew as he began to speak "I thought she was taken. I thought I could save her. But," He bit his lip to stop the stinging in his eyes "She...She left on her own, only to become the Wife of that man. I think.." He looked over to her "I think you we're right" (Y/n) lift a brow in confusion "You said 'Everyone has a reason for everything'. Mina left because of how I treated her, how I was to her. Agni went against me to keep the truth away from me.."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened "How did you come down to that?"

'Did he say that in the show?' Soma fiddled with his fingers "I thought about it for some time. Agni knew why she left, he knew she was with West. She said herself that she wouldn't tell me but now knowing that Agni was dragged in, that must've been the situation" The girl nodded and pat his back "All that you said is one hundred percent correct. Maybe, we'll just have to wait and see. I'm not gonna lie, she was wrong as hell to say that shit like that. She couldn't say it different? Like?" She scratched her head as he nodded along with her.


She looked back over to him as the wind blew their hair "You also said that Agni wouldn't harm me. He kept Mina away so I wouldn't feel this pain.." He shook slightly with a sniff "I am selfish. I didnt listen.." He sat his forehead on his arms. A hand was placed on his hair as he sulked "You remind me of my brother.."

Did my boi Soma just get brother zoned?

"My older brother was more emotionless than (2B/n), my second bro. He was happy and always had an emotion every five seconds. I hated seein' him sad. So, I would always try my best to make 'im feel better!"

She stood up and walked infront of him. Soma looked up at her curiously as she stretched out her arms "First.." She sat her hands on the ground and pushed herself off into a handstand. Soma watched in amusement as she struggled to turn herself but the dress fell down on her.

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