His Butler, Capricious (Pt.3)

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Before we start out, let's rewind back a bit.

It all started the next day. Everyone had the plan dead set and ready and it all ended with (Y/n) wearing a dress, being a refined Lady, and being timid and shit.

"Fuck it. I'm not doin' it" She had her arms crossed as Claude stood to her left, telling her which fork she had to use and not use. "My Lady, you must." She shook her head at his comment "Nope. I'm stayin' here. Yall can go ahead and risk your lives, not me"

Ciel scoffed as he sat across from her. It had already been established that Ciel and Alois were dressing as woman, much to Ciel's liking. Alois turned to the short girl "Dont act like that, it might be fun. You never know" This caused her to stand up and glare at the plate "I just dont understand..."

The other four in the room looked at her expectantly. She then picked up a fork "Why the fuck is there a salad fork! Their's no fuckin' point, a fork is damn a fork!" Sebastian shook his head at her in disappointment.

 She then picked up a fork "Why the fuck is there a salad fork! Their's no fuckin' point, a fork is damn a fork!" Sebastian shook his head at her in disappointment

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I can not TELL YOU how hard I bust into Madame Red's room. I am not wearing a dress to this shit and I'll be damned if I have to act like a fucking Lady.

"Dear, it's the only way for the plan to work" I let out a small whine. But wait! What if I didnt become a girl....

I smirked at my idea. I looked back to the red haired woman "What if, I turned into a boy?"

As the room went silent, I got mostly weirded out looks but all I did was stare directly at Madame, who had her eyes widened in suprise. I shrugged my shoulders "I may not have a valid reason, but it might be fun cross dressing. Plus, these two get to do it too" I lift my arm to the two Earl's "So, why can't I, eh?"

Madame blinked but then lit up and cupped her hands "How interesting! Think of all the possibilities, oh! I already have a role for you! Come now, I have just the suit for you" Red grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

Lord, she sounds like Elizabeth

After getting taught some things, she gave me a a black tailcoat, black shoes, and a red vest. 'When the hell did they have zippers?' I looked the vest over some and let out a satisfied hum. "It looks good..." she pushed me to my bathroom "Go ahead! Try it on"

Once I stepped out, I strutted my stuff and spun a few times "I look gooood" I hopped and crossed my legs, spinning and letting out a 'HeHe' like M.J. She clapped her hands and then picked something up "Now for your hair and face, dear. Stay still, this may take awhile" I sighed and went over to the mirror, letting her do 'er work.

I looked at her in the glass "So, about my chest?" She 'oh'd' and snapped her fingers. Grell came in with a long bandage strap. "We'll tie this around them, I'm sure it will do the trick."

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