Her Adventures, Bae!

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(Y/n) sashayed her way to the two double doors. She knocked with a smile and waited 'They did a good job on the flowers'

One of the doors opened to show the Demon Butler himself "Hey, Claude! Where's Trancy?" The golden eyed Butler went to speak but a hyper blond beat him to it. Alois slightly pushed his Butler behind him and smiled down at the girl, extending his arms "Bae!" (Y/n) did the same and walked forward to his embrace "Bae!"

They hugged each other tightly, giggling and swaying a bit. Alois pulled away some to look down at her "Did I say it right?" The girl chuckled "Yeah, you did" They both walked in, letting Claude close the door. She smiled up at the Manor "It's been awhile, huh?" Alois sighed and held her again "Its a shame, really. Come, come! We should do something special for your arrival!" (Y/n) hummed "Maybe....Oh! I got it!" She grabbed Alois's wrist and dragged him up the stairs while Claude stayed in the foyer. Well, till he sighed and followed after them.

Soon, the two entered his Office, the sun pouring in. The girl smiled as she looked around, twirling a bit as she let the blonde go. Alois looked back to her "What is this 'Special plan' you have for us, Love?" (Y/n) stopped "Special plan?.....Oh, right!" She dug her hand into her pants pockets, Alois tilting his head in curiosity.l as he watched.

Alois then 'ooh'd' as (Y/n) pulled out her Phone "What are you going to do with that?" (Y/n) smirked "Do you know what a Fashion Show is, Sunshine?"

Alois then 'ooh'd' as (Y/n) pulled out her Phone "What are you going to do with that?" (Y/n) smirked "Do you know what a Fashion Show is, Sunshine?"

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The door to Alois's room opened to show the short Girl with a scarf on, Claude's glasses, one of Alois's spare suits and his boots on. Alois gasped as he saw her while Claude squinted his eyes in distaste. He was annoyed that he didn't have his glasses on. (Y/n) strut out her leg with a smirk as she held up her Phone, thumb hovering over the screen.

"It's Britney Bitch"

A strange song started playing as the Girl walked down the hallway in a funny manner. It looked like she was forcing her hips out.

She stopped at some point and did a few poses, such as the:

Yes, I'm that Bitch

Fuck you, I'm worth it

And last, but not least,

Kiss my Ass, Michaelis

She blew a kiss to the 'crowd' and turned around, walking right back to Alois and Claude as the music still played. Alois clapped his hands happily as she passed Claude back his glasses "Sorry, Claude, I had to" Claude gave her a glare as he took them back. (Y/n) rolled her eyes in return.

Alois turned her around and grabbed her shoudlers, shaking her back and forth "What was that? You wore my clothing and did all that and for what?" (Y/n) laughed "Oh, Sunshine, that is what a Fashion Show is. You strut your stuff and show them bitches you're better than them. Fuck the haters!"

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