His Butler, Freeloader

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^Made that myself, I'm pretty proud of it :3


A girl layed in the bed in a dark room, a black cat snuggled by her head on her pillow.

"My Lady, It's time to wake"

The light flooded in the room, much to her liking. "Awe, man. Drossel why~" She burrowed herself closer in the covers, a fluff of her (h/c) hair was shown on her pillow. A meow was heard and next thing we knew, the cover was being pulled off her face.

The girl groaned "And here I thought cats like to sleep" Claude sat by her head and pawed at her face. Drossel walked over "My Lady, today I have an English Biscuit with Darjeeling tea" The red headed puppet handed her the tea cup and she took a sip. A little smile appeared on her face as a bittersweet memory came on her mind.

"M'Lord" Drossel handed cat Claude a half of a biscuit and the feline happily ate it. (Y/n) 'aww'd' at the scene. "You really out did yourself, Little Prince. I may be going out today though."

(Y/n) went to the side of the bed and froze when Drossel went to her buttoned shirt. "Please, let me" She chuckled and grasped his hands. He looked up with a gasp "My poor little child, I can change myself. You can go and get yourself situated 'round here"

Drossel bowed with a hand on his 'heart', "As you wish, My Fair Lady" He rolled the trolley out and closed the door behind him. (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes widened "Wait! I didnt get a--Meow" She looked down and saw a half of a biscuit on a napkin while Claude ate his.

She smiled at the door and took a bite. She hummed and looked at the treat with raised eyebrows. 'Now, what to wear, what to wear...'

The short girl pat down her dress for any dust and looked in the mirror

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The short girl pat down her dress for any dust and looked in the mirror. "I dont like dresses that much but...Eh, it's good enough." She then did a peace sign and smiled "I know you see me lookin like a snack though! Am I right, Claude?" The cat stopped licking itself and looked to his mother.

He then continued what he was doing, cleaning himself and then laying down. She growled and crossed her arms "Boy, dont you ignore me!" She walked out the door and adjust her gloves, the small black cat running behind her. They both roamed the halls of the large Mansion. It wasn't as big as Ciel's and dont even compare it to Alois's.

It was just like a big house that's all. Kinda in the middle of The Phantomhive Manor and a regular townhouse. The two went to the stairs and (Y/n)'s face broke out into a wild grin. She sat on one of the stair railing and slid down "WEEEE--oOf" She fell off and slid across the polished floor.

Purring was heard next to her head and she put her hands on the floor, lifting her upper body up with a heave. She glared at cat Claude as he smugly looked at her "Fuck off" Two large doors bust open to reveal Drossel. He ran out the doors and came over to the fallen girl "My Lady, are you alright?" He helped her up and she gave him a smile "Yeah, I'm good. Just fell that's all."

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