His Butler, Merrymaking

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"...What the fuck is this?"

(Y/n) looked to her grandmother "Whatddya mean?" Momo undid the dress "This. What fuck is this?" The (h/c) did a dopey smile "Well, I have a friend who looks similar to you soooo... I wanted to see what you looked like if you wore the same dress as her"

Momo Lu looked back at her granddaughter then at the dess and then back to the short girl. 'I sent her to do something yet here she is doin' the opposite' Lu looked back down to the dress and sighed. "Fine. I'll see how it fits but I'll show you later."

(Y/n) groaned "Aww man~ Why?" Momo flicked the back of her head "Dont forget, you have a mission to do. I have a feeling this one is important" The (h/c) haired girl lift up her hands to halt her grandmother "Wait! Wait! Wait! I have a question!"

Lu looked at her in question. "Ok, so you know the night Madame passed" Momo nodded with a lifted eyebrow "This weird thing happened where I thought about getting Grell wet.." The girl chuckled "That's what she said" The brown skinned woman infront of her shook her head at her granddaughters actions but had a smile of her own.

"And when I thought that, this thing said something about 'Yes, My Lady' or 'Yes, My Fair Lady'. Then this big bubble of water just fell on Grell! So, what does that mean?" Momo had a look of suprise and disbelief on her face. "It said, My Fair Lady. Does that not sound familiar to you?"

(Y/n) shook her head. "Think harder" The girl looked up but still couldn't find the answer "What exactly is it?" Lu facepalmed. "Ok, back in our world, I gave you the green Amulet, yes, I know, I should've told you but times were tough. When you made a command---The Amulet said "My Fair Lady..." "

The woman nodded "Exactly. That means, you were near one of them. But which one...It wasn't the red one, not the purple.." (Y/n) clapped her hands.

"It's Ciel."

Lu lift a brow. "It's not the whole person." (Y/n) shook her head "No. When his Fiancé came over, I saw his ring. It was a royal blue just like the in the book UT gave me but, it's a ring not an amulet" Lu gave her a surprised look. Then she got pissed "Those bitches made them into rings!? Oh hell no!" (Y/n) waved her arms around "Wait! It's ok, it's ok! Either way, his ring must've been the one that did it. I'm guessing that one signifies Water or the Ocean."

Lu nodded "That was (1B/n)'s Amulet. Calm and cool, just like him. (2B/n) had the next one, the red one. Although he didnt fit the description from far away, if you made him mad, all hell would break lose. (S/n) inherited the green one. Green, the color of life and Earth. It's a shame my babies had to go so soon. However,"

Lu pat her head "I still have you. At least you're safe" (Y/n)'s eyes soften. Then she was smacked on her head. (Y/n) yelped and held the top "What!? What happened!?" Momo placed her hands on her hips "Whatchu doin' talking to boys! Girl, dont make me come down there!"

"Momo! You told me t--I ain't said shit!"

Yup, at least they had each other

Yup, at least they had each other

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