His Butler, Strongest

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Before the blonde Mafia leader could hit the ball, a scream resonated in the room.

Everyone in the room looked all around, alarmed and curious as to where the sound came from and why. That was all stopped when a body fell into the room from the roof. A Yelp was heard from Madame Red, along with a screech from her Butler. Ciel narrowed his gaze at the body on the table 'What in the..'

A groan came from it and soon they moved. They lift their face just a bit and looked around the dark room. With the light shining on them directly, they all noticed the (h/c) fluffy hair ontop of their head. "Damn, Momo. She tryin' to kill a bitch."

The nineteen year old blunette made a note in his mind of their voice. It sounded female. When they lift their face completely, the group was presented with a (s/c) face If they have any (with freckles), their eyes were a shining (e/c) color. Their hair was (h/t) and (h/c), (it went to their/it sat ontop of) (hair placement).

Ciel's ocean eyes met with the figures and a surge of energy went through him, she seemed familiar to him. (Y/n) had a mental verbal fight in her mind. 'Why in the hell would she drop me here!? What should I do? I just fell from the fucking sky! But, if Undertaker didnt remember me...' She looked at Ciel.

'He probably doesn't either'

The girl sat up completely and got off the table. "Oh my, what an outlandish style" The girl deadpan and turned to Lau as well as the red headed woman "Forget what they're wearing! Are you ok, Dear?" Madame Red walked over and grasped her shoulders, looking the female over for any scratches and bruises. The girl just gave her a smile "Yeah, I'm fine"

Madame gave her a worried look "How? You just fell through a roof and a few floors at least!" Aww, isnt she so caring? "Who are you and how did you get here?" (Y/n) looked over to Diedrich. Her eyes brows raised slightly at her thoughts 'He really does just look like a fat...Hitler'

"I...uh.." She looked around as they all kept their eyes on her. Ciel hasn't even said shit. He's just sitting there in his chair with a confused lo--"Sebastian"

A shadow had loomed over (Y/n), somehow making it darker in the room. She looked up with a nervous smile. "I see we have an unexpected guest. Please, if you will, follow me M'lady" He gripped her wrist and dragged her out. (Y/n) looked over to Madame red "Pray for me.."

When the door closed, everyone was beyond confused. "What...Earl Phantomhive, did you know who that was?" Angelina put a digit to her face "I don't remember seeing her a day in my life, much less my nephew's" Her red eyes looked to the door.

"Why did she say pray for her?"

"Ay bitch! These ropes tight as fuck

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"Ay bitch! These ropes tight as fuck."

(Y/n) wiggled in the ropes but winced when they grew tighter. She froze and fell face first as all air had escaped her lungs "Y..You bitch.." Sebastian shook his head at her "Now, you shall stay in here until my Master is finished. We will discuss what to do with you then" His eyes glanced at her as she regained her breath "Not as if you will even be able to escape." Look at him, belittling folks.

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