His Butler, Phantom Image (Pt.2)

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(E/c) eyes slowly opened as they looked around the darken room. The girl went to move but suddenly felt something brushing her hair.

She paused and decided to really grasp her surroundings. There was body heat behind her and something pressed up against her. But she stopped once she felt the thing in her hand. Her fingers were laced with anothers.

Let's see...Dark room. Dark cover...No lighting...Where was she before she fell asleep?


The ravenette chuckled "I see you've awaken, Kitten" Kitten. She hasn't been called that for awhile. His fingers still worked their way in her hair while she layed there. "Uh, Sebs..." She nervously laughed "Are able to..Get the fuck off me?"

The Demon laughed and she winced as her head was grabbed again. His fuchsia eyes bore into her's "And why would I do that, My Dear?" His fingers tightened on her palm as she struggled in the bed.

Imagine, being in the same bed as one of your favorite, and did I mention hottest, anime characters. But he was controlling you, the man was practically close to grinding on you!

The girl scooted farther only for him to pull her back. 'What's gotten into him?'

She stared into his eyes in horror 'This isn't Sebastian..He doesn't act like this..' "Sebastian, you good? You aren't actin' like yourself, like, at fucking all" Sebastian let her go and smirked at her as she sat up "Nothings wrong at all, Kitten. Why don't you lay back down?"

(Y/n) slowly walked away from the bed "Nah, it's good. I'll just go back with the othe--No" (Y/n) froze "W-What?" The ravenette stood and sashaed over "I said No." (Y/n) narrowed her eyes "You're not gonna tell me what the fuck I can and cant do. I'm going to leave this room whether you like it or not"

Sebastian stared at her for awhile with an emotionless face. "My, my, you've gained such confidence haven't you." He snatched her cheeks in his slender fingers and held her close to his face "Looks like I'll have to remind you of your place"

She glared at him "Fuck off. I'm not gonna be your defenseless little bitch. Thought you would've figured that out by now" Sebastian's smirk widened "That fire in your eyes. You really are one of a kind, (Y/n)"

She brought her leg up slightly, about to kick his ass back but was slammed on the wooden door, her bottom half suspending in the air. She glanced down to see the Demon holding her up, his body between her legs. He inched closer to her neck "Oh Kitten. I bet your mewls sound perfect when in pleasure~"

'This isnt how the story goes... Somethings wrong'

His lips softly pecked her neck, moving downward to her collarbone as he moved her shirt out the way. She went to swish out her knife but his eyes looked up at her, flashing yet again. She froze.

He bit down on her flesh. The girl covered her mouth to stop the scream from escaping her mouth. Sebastian sucked away on her skin, getting little moans from her.

She couldn't do anything. If she even moved an inch away from him, he'd either grip her head or stop her ass with his fucking eyes!

"Sebastian! Help! The Young Master!"

Mey-Rin banged her fist on the door, causing the ravenette to pull (Y/n) off the surface and into his arms. He sighed 'He's always one to spoil the fun'

Sebastian sat the girl down on his bed and sent her a look as he opened the door "What is it now?" Mey-Rin saw his shirt and immediately blushed. Some of the buttons were undone and his tailcoat was off while his tie was half done.

"I-I..Umm--The Young Master! H-He's in trouble!" Sebastian narrows his eyes. 'If he wanted a picture so badly, why didnt he just order his ass to sit still? Like, wtf?'

His shoulders shook with a chuckle at the (s/c) skinned girls comment. "Let me prepare myself." He closed the door before Mey could say anything else and walked around the darken room to cloth himself.

As he fixed his tailcoat his eyes met (Y/n)'s "You are to stay here. If I find you out of this room, there will be consequences" The girl narrowed her eyes and nodded. Sebastian smiled "Good"

As soon as he closed the door and their footsteps were far from the door, (Y/n) crossed her arms "Who the fuck is he to tell me what I'm gonna do? I'll show his ass"

The girl slipped off the bed and went to the door. She cracked it and looked around the hall, or as much as she could see. She fully opened the door and ran to a window. "Damn! It's that late!? How long was I sleep?" (Y/n) wasted no time and lift the window up, climbing out and running off but that was also the same time the fireworks went off.

'Dude works fast, I'll give him that...Wait-'

A tingling sensation came back and she dropped into a bed. She scampered around and let out a relieved sigh once she realized she was at her house. 'Thank you, Momo..' The sound of heels raced to her room and the door burst open. "Grell, when did you get 'er?"

The red head waved his hand and checked his nails "A few hours I believe. It's been dreadfully boring without you. So," He skipped over and sat down on her bed "How was your day?"

The girl sighed as a flash of all the events popped up "Stressful as shit" Grell scoffed "I understand how that feels" She turned to Grell "We need a day to just...Hang out y'know?"

"And do whatever we want without anyone interrupting us!" Grell smiled down at her as he jumped to his feet. (Y/n) followed "Hell yeah!" She grabbed his hand and her phone and ran out the room. Her bright (e/c) eyes glanced back at him "Y'know how I'm feelin' now Grell?"

He tilted his head "What, Darling?"

She smirked "I'm feelin' Good as Hell"

This was my plan for so long to make Sebs a Yandere! Finally! This is like, the first chapter without any time skips...

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