His Butler, Capricious (Pt.2)

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Lau looked over to Ciel "What is this place?" Alois put his hands on his hips "You dont know, then what was that all about!?" (Y/n) glanced at him in confusion. Doesn't Madame say that?

Madame Red glared Lau's way but looked to Ciel "Why are you familiar with this kind of place!" The short girl waved her hand with a smile "Dont worry, he's a good guy." Madmae looked at her with widened eyes "When did you ever come here!? You shouldn't be associated with this place either" She put her hands on the girls shoulders and stared her down with worry while (Y/n) sweatdropped.

"You know The Undertaker?" The girl nodded "Yup. He was the first person I met when I came here" The blunette stared at her for awhile but then turned and walked forward as Sebastian opened the door. "If we're looking for answers, this is the place"

As they all walked in, (Y/n) immediately went to his desk, taking a jar off of it and sitting down. Alois was creeped out by how dark it was and sat next to her infront of his desk. He was deciding against it, with how the floor was and all. The others gave off worried looks as they looked around, except for Sebastian and Claude. They just stood there like walls.

A little laugh rang around the shop "Welcome, I thought I'd be seeing you before long~" It startled everyone when a creaking sound was heard. Alois practically threw himself on (Y/n) and clung on to her for dear life.

"My Lord, it's so lovely to see you"

The coffin door was moved, showing the silverette everyone knows and loves. "Do I finally have the pleasure of fitting you in one of me coffins today?" (Y/n) giggled slightly at the other three and their faces. Undertaker looked over and, somehow, his smile grew "Poppet, I didn't expect you to be in me shop" The girl shook her head and pointed to the Depressing Duo "Nah, my man. I'm with these kids"

The hidden Reaper couldn't help but clench his teeth. He didn't want her even near a Demon, yet there's two. He didnt like sharing his Poppet. The girl eased the blonde next to her by giving him some pats on the head, sadly, this only made Undertaker even more annoyed. Undertaker smiled down at him "Ah, Earl Trancy, what a pleasant surprise~" Alois hugged her closer, hiding his face like a little kid hugging his mother.

Ciel, being the only other person not effected by his ways, came up and spoke "No, that isn't why I'm here. I wante--" He was stopped by the cold hand placed near his mouth. "No need to say. I'm already aware, very well aware~"

"One of my recent customers was a bit unusual, shall we say. I helped though.." He brought his hands to his face "I made her look beautiful again!" Ciel kept that little stone face of his "I would like the details please" Lau's smile came back "Ah, I see now. So the Funeral Parlor is only your cover business" Undertaker frowned a bit "How much is it, for information?"

The silver haired male scared him shitless when he was suddenly infront of him "I have no need for the Queen's coins, there's only one thing that I want from you!" His eyes glided Ciel and Alois's way as they now stood side by side to each other.

He grasped their shoulders and leaned in close "Please My Lords! Give it to me and I'll tell you anything!" (Y/n) glanced their way with a smirk 'Sound like he want some good lovin'' Undertaker let the two Earl's go and spread his arms "Give me the extraordinary gift of true laughter! Just one joke and all me information is yours!" He started swaying just a bit and only one thing went through the short girl's mind.

'I'm on tonight, you know my hips don't lie and I'm starting to feel it's right.'

'All the attraction, the tension'
'Don't you see, baby, this is perfection?'

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