Her Adventures, The Midfords

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Speedy footsteps were heard in the woods near a brown carriage.

The Butler glanced to the tree's but still, he saw nothing there. Sebastian faced forwards but was taken aback by the girl sitting ontop of one of the horses.

"(Y/n), what are you doing?" She turned and smiled "I'm riding a horse, what are you doing" He shook his head at her and sighed. The (h/c) haired girl brushed the horses hair "So..." She looked back with a smile.

"Where we goin'?"

Sebastian honestly was done with this chick

The girl hopped down and pet the horse as Sebastian opened the door to the carriage

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The girl hopped down and pet the horse as Sebastian opened the door to the carriage. Ciel did a double take when he saw the girl "W-Why are you here!?" (Y/n) walked over "I was curious as to where y'all were going. Plus, I was bored" She shrugged. He frowned at her "You should be getting some rest. After last night, I'm sure you need it"

Ciel went over to his Butler "Is there no way to get her to leave?" The Butler bowed "I am sorry My Lord, we dont have time to do so" His dark blue eye narrowed at the short girl. He sighed and walked to the building infront of them "Fine, come with us. Dont do anything rash, we cant afford for anything to happen" He gazed at her clothes "Finally, you're dressing appropriately"

(Y/n) crossed her arms "Eh, Victorian Clothes are growin' on me. Sadly..." Yet again, it was a dress that went to her calves. It was red with cream colored firlls. Wasn't all that bad. (Y/n) than looked up at the tall building with a confused face "Wait, where are we?"

Sebastian stepped up "This is The Midford Manor, home of Marquess Alexis Leon Midford, Head of the Order of the Garter" (Y/n) stood there with her hands on her hips, lips thinned. "So, Elizabeth's place?" Ciel sweatdrop as he looked back at her. "Yes, this is where she resides"

Once he knocked, the door was opened by a Butler that bowed and lead the three to the stairway. They didnt get far once Elizabeth saw Ciel, pouncing on him and hugged him tightly. (Y/n) slowly slid behind Sebastian, trying to be invisible.

'Is the almighty (Y/n) hiding from Lady Elizabeth?'

The girl glared up at the Butler 'Fuck the fuck off'. "Elizabeth!" The blonde froze as her Mother popped up, her Father next to her. "It is not proper for you to engage in such improper actions!" The (h/c) haired girl physically saw Sebastian stiffen as Frances glared over at him.

'Is the almighty Sebastian hiding from Mrs. Midford?'

He went quiet, giving her a little victory. 'I can play dirty too ya cocky bitch' (Y/n) sadly met with Frances's eyes, making her cower back behind Sebastian. "Who is this? You brought someone along with you" She decedned down the steps and watched as the short girl came out of hiding.

She curtsied, bowing her head just a bit. (Y/n) then stood with a polite smile with her hands neatly folded infront of her "My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I'm an acquaintance of the Earl" The two she came with gave her surprised looks. She's acting like a true Lady!?

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