His Butler, Freeloader (Pt.2)

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I have a small suprise at the end ;3


Morning had arose in London. Ciel slept peacefully on his bed as darkness engulfed him.

Thay was until the curtains were drawn back and light pooled in. His brows furrowed and he shifted in bed "It's time to wake up Lord Phantomhive!" Said male ripped his eyes and looked around "What's that...Whose there?" He quickly sat up as a certain white haired male appeared infront of him and a short (s/c) girl next to him.

"Namaste ji. Good morning"

"Hey, Tiny baby~"

Ciel flushed and went to stand but soon went against it and covered himself with the sheets "Why're you in my room!? Especially you!" He pointed to (Y/n) as she smiled at him with Agni "You shouldn't see me this way! I'm not even properly dress--" He stopped and was pulled up into Soma's arms. The Prince hummed and lift him some "You are very light for a man your age" (Y/n) crossed her arms "That's what I said!"

Ciel growled at them and shifted in his hold "Let go of me!" Some laughed "We are going out and about kid. Show us 'round town. But first! Breakfast!" Ciel sneered at the plumb haird male "And why should I do that? And dont call me kid anymore, I have a real name, It's Ciel!" (Y/n) 'pffft' and walked over to the two "Dont be so rude, Phantomhive. Nothin' wrong with a little bit of fun!" Soma and Agni smiled and cheered with her as they all smiled around the gloom ridden boy.

Soma nodded "Alright, Ciel. I order you to show me around. Besides, the food will get cold if we dont hurry" He hopped on the bed and pranced to the door "Come no--Pardon me, Prince"

Sebastian stepped infront of the doorway, blocking them all from leaving. He bowed his head some "I am terribly sorry. My Master's day is full. I am afraid there is a great deal of work and studying he must tend to" Soma huffed but sat him down and let the shorty fiddle with his clothes. As (Y/n) stepped over, Agni gasped and put his hands on her eyes "Miss (Y/n)! Cover your eyes!"

Ciel, remembering that she was in the room, blushed and hid behind Sebastian. (Y/n) tilted her head as Agni practically used his body as a shield infront of her "Why what happened?" Agni didnt remove himself "You mustn't see a man in such a state!"

A certain Demon narrowed his eyes at the tall male. He was a bit too close to his Kitten for his liking. (Y/n) glanced to the door and saw Sebastian glaring softly at Agni. She stiffed for a moment before nervously laughing and backing away from the Butler. "It's all good, Bean. I dont even see him anyway...Unless were talking about his pale boney ass legs.." She mumbled the last sentence but it was heard by a good bit of everyone.

She wasn't always that good when it came to whispering

Ciel glared at her from behind his Butler "Just leave! Now!" The short girl crossed her arms "Aww. Agni even made breakfast for you.." (Y/n) looked to the newcomers and her face fell at their sulked figures. She then threw her arms around their waist and smiled at them both "C'mon, kids! We dont need these two to have fun of our own!" Soma smiled brightly and hugged her "Right you are, Sudara yōdhā. Come, Agni! Let us take our leave" Soma grasped (Y/n)'s hand and ran out the room, Agni behind them both.

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