Her Adventures, Broke Bitches out 'er

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The three were sleep. They were just happily dreaming in their coffins.

All was quiet and peaceful....

*knock knock knock*

"Undertaker! Sir, are you there?"

An (e/c) eye cracked a bit "What...The fuck...Was that..". Her eyes closed back in annoyance. The top of their coffin cracked a bit, revealing a man in his late 40's as he gazed down at her. His face formed a frown, thinking the girl was a corpse. "Poor thing, wonder what happened to her"

"Peek-A-Boo" her eyes opened wide at the man, scaring the shit out of him. He yelped and paled, falling down and backing away from the coffin as the (s/c) girl rose like a Mummy. "M-Monster! Monster!"

"HAHAHAHA! GOOD ONE, DEARY!" Undertaker wobbled out his coffin in a laughing fit. He shakily pointed to the fallen man "Oh, your face was priceless!" Another series of chuckles erupted from him.

The girl laughed along with him. She stood up in her sleeping spot and stepped out, then tripped and fell over. The coffin followed along with her, cat Claude fell on top her head and the coffin on her back. Undertaker dropped to the floor, the building shaking just a bit as he continued laughing at her clumsiness. (Y/n) groaned and sat up "That shit hurted"

The man before her gasped "Such fowl language!" (Y/n) rolled her eyes 'Love how his ass ain't even going to help me out'. She picked up cat Claude off her head and sat him down. After that, she turned a bit, pushing the wooden box off, but that bitch was heavy! She was confused on how, it ain't had shit in it, it looked weightless!

"Let me help, Dear"

The coffin was lifted up to reveal the smiling Undertaker. 'No wonder he so damn strong, he carrying coffins as weights!' She sat up and was about to stand, but Claude thought that lap was lookin' like a good nap spot.

The (h/c) let out a groan as he made himself at home, forcing her to stay seated. Undertaker sat the coffin down and looked to the graying man. "Why, good morning Sir Randall, I dont recall I've seen you around these parts before. What can I do for ya?"

Randall dusted him self off and stood up. "Yes, I'm here to drop off a corpse. My team and I have her outside" the silverette tilted his head "Oh? This is the second time another body has turned up, yes it tis. I wonder, is she in the same condition as the first one?" The brown eyed man nodded. He walked out for some time and soon came back with some officers and a body bag.

(Y/n) could tell by the shape, it was a woman. Curiosity got to her and she followed after the group as they all went to the back. They sat the body down on a table of sorts. That's when she saw Frederick Abberline. 'ABBERLINE! OH MAH GAWD, MY CHILD!' She then froze 'Hold up. Am I in the Manga or Anime?'

"Just like I thought"

The girl bumped out her thoughts when she saw Undertaker gaze down at the body "Her uterus is missin'". Her eyes bucked wide. 'Aw hell, I'm in the 'Jack the Ripper' arc. That doesnt prove shit, it's in both the Anime and Manga! But wait, they have different scenes so maybe I can find out that wa-- "Such a cute little miss like you shouldn't be shown something so disturbing."

The (s/c) skinned girl looked up and saw Abberline looking down at her. Now that she got a good look at him, it was anime Abberline, that sweet one without the mustache. Wait, little miss?

He bent down and pat her head with a smile. "Wonder what you're doing out here. Do you have any parents?" She deapan. 'Does he think I'm a kid?'

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