His Butler, Forlorn

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All I ever wanted was a normal, happy life

Sure it was deadly and adventurous but I could still fit some family time in there.

Then I always wonder, why even bother? My families gone. My mom and dad were killed by my 'husband', who I soon killed myself, my childhood bestie. My big brothers were both killed in action at my wedding and my little sister was taken and then pronounced dead.

Their all gone. They were my motivation, my reason to live. I remember all the great memories we had. Going on road trips, playing with each other, going out, even killing as a family on missions.

But then, the whole fiasco started. Their dead, my beloved family. Why did they have to be taken away from me..

Now, I'm in the world I've dreamed of being in. I'm able to appear and reappear any time I want to see them. I get to see those I laughed and loved...Only for them to forget about me.

They dont know me at all. Yes, they've mentioned about a girl similar to me. I just wish they would remember all the fun we've had in my world. My life just feels like a ball of numb in all honesty. If Sebastian offered me a contract, I probably would've taken it.

My goal would be simple, to destroy those who did my family and I wrong. To watch them die slowly while I stand above them, seeing them suffer slowly in pain. I want them to feel the same pain they've caused me..

I sound like little Phantomhive

About Phantomhive...

"Tally ho! Blueberry, I'm home!"

Ciel slammed his hands on his desk "When did you get here!? Why are you trespassing into my manor!"

I waved my hand and 'pfft' "Lighten up, Phantomhive. Good morning, Michaelis. Hope you've had a good night's rest" I know his ass don't need it...

He nodded at me "I certainly did Miss (Y/n)." I walked over to them "You dont have to add the Miss or Lady. Just call me (Y/n)" Sebastian smiled down at me "Understood, (Y/n)" I sweatdropped "You dont have to be so for--ahem"

Ciel glared at the two of us. I walked over to the other side of his chair, placing a hand on his head and ruffling his hair. "C'mon Blueberry! I'm gonna take you on a walk around town. It's nice to get out this stuffy room everynow and then. Maybe we can take the servants too!"

Ciel pushed my hand away and I smiled down at him.

He's always so cold. But, I know there's an ounce of his old life in him. He may not be able to see it, but I can. Just like on his eighteenth birthday, he smiled once, I'm sure of it...

Before I go, or even before Ciel's story ends, I want to make my little Blueberry baby happy. I want that smile to come back that I've seen in the show and those pictures. I want Alois to not always be sadden by his brother and to smile more than he usually does. Even though she doesnt seem to like me that much, I want Elizabeth to have a happy life, regardless of Ciel being her husband or not.

As long as I can give everyone just a bit of happiness, as long as their smiling. I want them to be exposed to pure happiness at least once. This Anime is dark but has it's times of goodness. I want them all to be happy, even the Demons. Just like my siblings and Parents. My Tiny Baby, My friends, My...



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