Her Husband, Happy Father's Day

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A hurried flurry of (h/c) hair rushed from cabinet to cabinet. "Ok, this is there. I got this...Um..Xander? Xander, baby you there?"

A small boy stepped up form behind the counter. His green-yellow ringed eyes looked at the short (s/c) skinned woman in worry, his wild, curly (h/c) hair springing each way. "Momma? Are you ok?" The woman nodded "Yeah. Where's your brother?"


The woman yelped and jumped back slightly. She glared at the eight year old infront of her "Ashton! Shh! We cant wake up your Father..." She looked down to the pan in his hands "But thank you for finding this for me"

The shorty walked over to her cake mix and placed it down, but then froze and looked to her sons. "Melt butter and put butter in it. Then swirl the pan around" She handed them both the pans as they looked at it in confusion and then back to each other.

And then to their Mother as she gave her cake mix a determined look "I'm gonna make this the best damn Father's Day ever!" They sweatdropped as a light shined in her eyes.

The same light their Father saw when he first met their mother, (Y/n) Crevan

The same light their Father saw when he first met their mother, (Y/n) Crevan

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The silverette yawned and sat up from the large bed. He stretched his arms to the air and brought them down with a sigh. The green-yellow eyes he sported slowly cracked open. His uncovered eyes squinted to the spot where his Wife would be, but she wasn't there. The covers were tussled sightly 'Now, where did Poppet go..'

He stood from the bed and looked around. The room was cleaner than usual. His eyes narrowed. That's not normal. Undertaker suspiciously opened the door and looked around the hallways. It looked alright, nothing too bad.

"Ashton? Xander?"

They didnt answer. His heart bounded in his chest in worry. First his Wife wasn't cuddled up to him like she usually is, his house is cleaner than usual, and now his kids aren't fucking answering him!?

Something was up..

"W-Wait! No--Ma! The oven's on fire again!--I can't find Nibbles!"

The Reaper lift a brow and walked closer to the noise to find his short (h/c) haired Wife trying to put out a fire, his first son was running around with a hot pan on his hands, and his second son was chasing down the little Hamster he got for his birthday.

The woman jumped as the fires grew "OH SHIT!" She fell back and grunted as her back met the floor. The silver haired boy bumped into his little brother, making them both tumble to the floor as the Hamster ran behind them.

The house shook as a loud laughter rang around the room. The group of Crevan's all looked over to see Undertaker on the ground, holding his stomach.

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