Her Adventures, Blindfolded

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(Y/n)'s head bobbed slightly as she awoke. She shook her head out of it's drowsy state and opened her eyes. However, she saw nothing but black. This just rose her curiosity even more. Like, the fuck is this!?

"What the..." She went to move her hands but they were tied behind her. (Y/n) sighed and sat her head back, now noticing that she was sitting in a chair?

(Y/n) took in some more of her surroundings and found something was wrapped around her ankles, most likely rope, making them basically attached to the chair's legs. Like, what the honest fuck? But, there was something covering her eyes 'A blindfold. Blindfolded, damn. Also, why the fuck am I tied up. I'm not this Kinky last time I checked. I mean, a good spankin' doesn't sound that bad bu--'

A giggle echoed in the room she was in, forcing her to halt her thoughts. She 'glanced' around.


"Hold on," She smiled "Is this a Febreze commercial?" A pair of feet walked their way to her. The person placed their soft hands on her uncovered thighs--Uncovered? She could've sworn she had pants on.

"Oh, (Y/n). You look gorgeous in the outfit Claude put you in" The girl tilted her head "Alois?" She then bucked her head "Claude changed me?" The thought of the golden eyed Demon seeing her in her Birthday suit was both disturbing yet embarrassing "..He saw me naked.." A wave of heat came to her cheeks.

Alois frowned and suddenly, a crack echoed in the room. The girl lift a brow in question but winced as a flogger made contact with her leg. The leather slid down her thigh as a red mark slowly appeared "Don't ignore me. I dont want you to even think about him, or anyone else for that matter. Pay attention to me"

(Y/n) decided to go for her weapons, shaking her wri---"Oh, dont worry. I ordered Claude to strip you from everything" A smirk appeared on his face as his eyes lidded. The girl 'looked' around "So, what the fuck am I wearing and where the hell are we?"

Alois laughed and rubbed her thighs once more "Nothing bad. Just one of my dress shirts and stockings. Found them while we were having our 'Fashion Show'"

Alois went to one of his dressers for a pair of socks. His eyes widened as he saw something. He didn't think he even owned these...

White thigh high silk stockings

'I thought these were gone forever ago..'

"Sunshine! You got some gel or something?"

Alois snapped out of his small trance and closed his dresser, turning back to the girl with a smile.

"Yes, of course we do"

He put his face in the crock of her neck, near her ear "You're a naughty girl, (Y/n). That contraption you wear instead of a Corset is very revealing" (Y/n) shivered as he fiddled with the long socks. She then deadpan "Wow, so I'm practically naked...But you didnt answer my other question, where are we? Wait, what the Hell are you wearing!?" He stood and backed away. (Y/n) shrugged "Fuck my questions, huh?" She didn't get a reply at all.

It was quiet. Too fucking quiet in her opinion. Hot air flew around below her, between her legs. (Y/n) forced her legs closed till those same hands forced them right back open. The (h/c) haired girl gulped as she died on the inside

'Was fucking me in my World not enough?! Must you do it again!?'

Alois giggled "Nevermind that~ Now," He spread her legs a bit more and licked his lips "Let's get to the real fun"

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