Her Adventures, BOOM BABY

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I was sitting in my room while blasting music from my phone as it charged by the window. Thank God I brought that portable charger.

I was drawing some things, petting cat Claude, checking on Mr. Spooder. So far, so good. Pluto really wanted to come with me but, Sebastian made him stay at the Phantomhive Manor. I told him I didnt mind it but, Sebastian wasn't having it. That Bum.

I heard a crash downstairs along with some voices. I froze and listened but then noticed my phone. I quickly rolled out my bed to the window but stopped when the door to my room burst open.

I slowly looked back but then brightly smiled "William! Oh hey, I didnt know you were visiting!" Will stalked over and looked around the room. Luckily, I've had time to fix the place up a bit with the help of Undertaker. He actually offered and we did a pretty good job even though we didnt get far.

William's face scrunched again "That stench is back again.." I lift a brow an looked to Claude "Bro, I thought we already established this. Take it outside" He meowed at me and looked at Will. They didn't really interact that much back home so, he just sat there.

I glanced back at Will but he was looking at Mr. Spooder, who sat on my bedpost. They seemed to have a stare off until he looked at my window. I quickly swiped my phone and turned it off but the music kept playing. I nervously laughed.

"What is that device?" Will walked over and I moved away. He went towards me again and I moved. Will narrowed his eyes and I ran out the room. "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN BITCH!"

I was halfway down the hall when a tug was on my collar. I flailed around to get free but my attempts failed. I slumped as I was dragged. It seems Will played dirty and used his Death Scythe.

He grabbed my phone out my grasp and I tried to grab it back but he glared at me. It was funny to see him try and work it out. I stood up and lent out my hand "Here, I'll do it"

Will hesitantly dropped it in my palm and I pressed the power button. I pointed to it "This turns it on" The screen showed and I did my password "In order for your shit to be safe, there is a password that you can make yourself and only you would know"

I gave it back to him as he simply stared at it. "What else can this do?" I crossed my arms "Many than you and I can count. Where I'm from, this is a modern day phone. They're alot more advanced and better than the ones y'all have" He nodded while pressing on my gallery app.

I took it back "Dont go through my pictures... There's things in there..." By that I mean my large collection of Yoai and Black Butler pictures, along with other Animes. I cant have him seein' that, especially the first one.

Those are important to me

I pressed on a game I had, Cooking Mama. I gave it to him "Pick something to cook and follow her instructions." I went back to my room and I heard somethings that weren't so good from Mama. "(Y/n). There's something wrong with this 'Phone' of yours" I rolled my eyes at his air quote. "What?" He gave me my phone and I sweatdropped "Dude, it's the easiest game on here. How did you lose?" I squinted my eyes and looked closer "More importantly, how did you burn it?"

 How did you lose?" I squinted my eyes and looked closer "More importantly, how did you burn it?"

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