His Butler, Capricious

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"Baby, it's ok. We'll be fine"

Claude meowed up at me, questioning my words. "C'mon now! It wont be all that bad" I held him in my arms as I crawled into the carriage. I shoved my case in the far back and crawled under the seat with my child. "All we do now is wait, thank God you're hypoallergenic or else we would've had a problem"

Light came in the carriage, making me quiet down. "We have to be quiet the rest of the ride, ok?" I whispered to him. He nodded as we both felt a weight being sat on the seat above us. "How long will this take?" Ciel's voice sounded muffled from down here "At least an hour my Lord, not long" He sighed. That's when I heard a new voice "Calm down, Ciel. I'm sure we'll have fun on our little road trip!"

When the fuck was Trancy here!? He must've sat across from Ciel.

I stretched my legs, thank God my legs are short, and layed down on my back, Claude curled up by my head, playing with my hair. I heard the two bicker and soon it turned into Alois chatting our ears off.

'We're gonna be here for awhile'

I was happily napping until we hit a bump

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I was happily napping until we hit a bump. I let out a small yelp and covered my mouth. Oh, shit...

The flaps flipped over and I looked at Ciel. His eye shown shock while I just smiled and waved "Sup, Tiny Baby" He shook his head "Get from under there, honestly, learn to be proper."

I rolled my eyes and came out. Alois gasped when he saw me "It's you again! Hello!" I waved at him. "I have a little friend with me, hope that isnt bad" He lift a brow in question until cat Claude popped up with me "Cat Claude, Ciel, Alois. Alois, Ciel, Cat Claude" Ciel backed away into the other seat slightly and I dusted my clothes while Alois just waved down at him. I decided to try a Victorian dress it wasn't that bad but, I'm not going to keep wearing these bitches.

It was plain, white at the top and red for the skirt. I had on brown boots to match. Like I said, not too much and simple. It reached to my calves and I thought it looked nice. I sat down next to Phantomhive "Why're you here this time? I have business to attend to, as you can see" He lift a hand towards Alois, who was happily petting cat Claude.

I smiled and sat back with my child on my lap "Did you really think I wouldn't appear at a time like this?" The rest of the ride, Alois asked me questions on who I was and I tried to answer then to my best ability. Ciel looked bored out his mind but would turn his head to the window whenever I caught him looking at me. An hour later, the carriage stopped infront of a building, that summer house he has.

At least I think it was a summer house.

Was it a vacation house? I dont know, all I know is that I'm going to be here for awhile. The door then opened as the two Butler's stood infront. My baby got out my lap and ran over, excited to see them.

Sebastian stared at Cat Claude "Seems that we have a straggler on board" I then poked my head out with a smirk and lowered eyes "Hey sebby!" His face faltered once he saw me "Nevermind that, we have two" I rolled my eyes and hopped down when he lent out a hand.

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