His Butler, Merrymaking (Pt.2)

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I yawned and stretched a little but then snuggled back into the fluffy fur I laid on. Yup! Pluto ended up taking me into the woods to sleep.

He curled up and sat me by his front legs. It was a comfy spot though, I have to admit. Plus, his fur was fluffy! I had the offer and I took it. He remind me of a dog that my brother used to have. It was odd for him to have the cute thing because they were opposites.

(1B/n) was cold, intense, would kill you without a reason. But his dog was cute, happy, cuddly, and excited. It was a pretty little Husky too! He was so dang cute, I would dog sit him whenever (1B/n) was out and about.

It's a shame someone killed him. He was trying to protect a little girl and they shot him. I miss that doggo.

I saw Pluto lift his head and yawn. He then layed down and spread out, stretching his legs. I got up and scratched my head. At least Angela didnt catch me out here. Girl gives harsh chores believe it or not.

I looked at Pluto "Kid. I gotta go, sorry~" He gave me puppy dog eyes and let out another whine. The flames came back and soon a naked human was hugging me. I sighed "C'mon now, I got things to do" He whined again and rubbed his head on me.

I pat his locks "I'm sorry. Look, I'll come back later on, maybe tonight." Pluto let go and sat down with his head bowed "Or.." His red eyes looked at me expectantly "You could come over to me and Angela's room. I'm sure she wouldnt mind" Pluto smiled as his tounge waved out.

This would keep the story on track. I looked around the vast opening and then saw something in the distance. I squinted my eyes and saw some smoke. That must be the estate. I looked back to Pluto "See ya later, Plu-Plu" I ruffled his hair and walked off.

Trust, I dont want to leave him at all. I would rather stay and pet him all day than do this Maid shit. But, life is crazy. The longer I walked, the more the skies clouded up. That's another thing about this place. Such a dreary and sad atmosphere.

I walked by some squirrels and I gotta say, their so freaking creepy. They would stare at me and when I turn around, they'd keep coming. Squirrels, ugh. Sometimes their cute but...That was just wrong.

So now, I'm walking to the estate with a hoard of squirrels following me. Does that make me squirrel queen or something?

"(Y/n)! There you are"

I glanced to the left and saw Finny running up to me. I smiled as he grasped my hands and looked over me for any injuries "You're not bleeding, right? Are you hurt in any way?" I shook my head "Nah. But, I do have a army of squirrels with me" I trusted my thumb back he looked behind me, instantly pailing. "Now, where did you go last night, doll? We were worried sick, even Angela couldnt find you" Bard put his hands on his hips.

Mey-Rin nodded "Oh, (Y/n), you should've seen it. The poor boy was killed by a Demon Hound. It was a sad sight to see, yes it was" Ah, so James died last night.

Poor thing, he really didn't deserve it. Only cause he kept an extra dog, like wtf? Their too cute not to keep. "Oh, so tall heard about the curse too huh?" Finny nodded "How did you know what the Demon Hound was?" I lift a bit of my dress and he rubbed his neck "R-Right.."

I laughed "Yeah. Angela told me about it when I started working here. It's a shame these people have to live with that"

Bard then gave me a look, basically saying I have to explain where I was. "I went for a stroll in the woods. I must've gotten tired 'n fell asleep" Finny hummed but then accepted my answer.

Bard then slumped "This has gotta be the worst holiday ever.." I chuckled while Mey-Rin nodded "The worst, yes it is." I pat Fin's head while he sulked.

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