Her Adventures, Funny, ain't it?

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"I have arrived, Your Highness"

Claude bowed infront of the blonde as he sat at his desk.

He sat his papers down and smiled up at the Butler "Is she here?" Claude nodded and walked out the room, Alois following right behind him. After walking down a few hallways, Claude opened a door for the blonde who ran in with an excited expression.

He stopped by the bed and lightly gasped "She is here...Good job, Claude!" Alois stepped closer and leaned down "Isnt she precious, Claude? I'm sure she'll get along just fine here" He felt her hair with a smile.

Sebs examined each hallway yet he still couldnt find the girl

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Sebs examined each hallway yet he still couldnt find the girl. He thought he heard her call his name but she was nowhere to be found. "Did she leave?" Ciel walked over, cane in hand. He was actually going to go out with her but he didnt expect her to leave so early.

He crossed his arms and smacked his lips "To think I actuall waste my time to get ready" As Ciel walked off, Sebastian looked out the window.

'That wasn't open before'

The (s/c) girl shifted in the red sheets

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The (s/c) girl shifted in the red sheets. She gripped her head and rose up "Fuck, my head.."

She sat up and looked around. 'Ah, the classic chapter of getting kidnapped by Trancy...' She heard a giggle and quickly turned around, knife in hand. She pointed it directly to the blondes throat.

When Alois gazed into her eyes, they looked dead. He took this time to note her behavior down. "(Y/n). It's me, Alois" She blinked and sat back down "My bad, thought you were someone else" She scratched her head once more "Damn, I gotta wash my hair.." Alois giggled again "Funny how you've been kidnapped yet, you don't even seem to be scared"

The girl shrugged her shoulders as he sat next to her "Eh. In the books I read, it's quite common for the person to be kidnapped so, I kinda expected it." The blonde nodded "Well good, that way, I wont have to chase you down. Now," He grabbed her wrist and dragged her out the bed.

"I must show you around my Manor, you will be living here for now anyway" He smiled back at her as they ran out the room. He told her about his extra rooms, servant quarters, kitchen. But, it all went to hell when he introduced her to the others.

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