Her Adventures, Tiny Baby~

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"You can hear her thoughts?"

To say that Ciel wasn't curious was a lie. He wanted to know more about the girl that fell into his house and saved him on the same day. Sebastian told him a good but of what he learned about her, including him being able to hear what she was saying.

"Indeed. The way she spoke was very unladylike, although, I doubt that was the last time we'll see her" The Butler poured the tea in the cup, handing it over to the Earl. Phantomhive hummed "What else did you see?"

"She seems to have many weapons upon her being. From the daggers under her clothes to the katana's that were on her back. Not only that, she inherits quick reflexes and doesnt seem to mind the sight of blood or deadly situations. One would assume she's been somewhere where something similar had happened, whether it be from a job or a robbery"

Sebastian smiled "She got along well with the Servants, I'm sure Mey-Rin wouldn't mind having another Maid around" Ciel let out a sigh, he knew where this was going. "Sebastian, we dont need any more trouble, she may be fit to work here bu---WEEE!"

They both looked to the window. There she was, the (h/c) haired girl. She was running around the garden with Finny. She had her arms extended like she was flying and Finny just followed. They seem to be having fun.

"I'm gonna get ya!" "Noo!" (Y/n) ran towards Finny, acting as a monster. Then she cornered him "Ha! You thought you could defeat me?" Finny giggled and acted like he was afraid. I swear, he's too cute. "Oh no! Someone help me" He then laughed uncontrollably as she brought her hands down and started tickling him.

They were having such a great time, nothing could ruin this mome---"Finny" Never fucking mind. Of course the Devil has come to grace us with his presence. Sebastian saw (Y/n) and smiled "Oh look, Miss (L/n) has come back." The girl stood and pulled Finny up with her "Yes, I have" Sebastian nodded and then looked back to the sunflower blonde "Finnian, have you trimmed the hedges?" The boy brightened and nodded with his hands to his chest "Yes I did! Look, dont they look amazing!"

The three turned to see and they were all cut correctly. Sebastian smiled down at him "Seems that you actually did something competent for once" (Y/n) sweatdropped at his 'compliment'. He then turned to the girl next to Finny "Miss (L/n), I hope it's alright if you would follow me please. My Master would like to speak with you" The girl only smiled and walked forward, waving to Finny in her leave.


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This girl...

Whoever she is, she not only is strong enough to fight off against a house of men, but she popped up out of no where. I sent Sebastian to find something, anything about her, and yet, there was nothing. There's no history, no background, no files.

I heard the door open and I look up to see her instead of my Butler. Usually, he's the one who opens the doors but here this girl comes with a big smile."Hey, Tiny Baby~" I looked at her oddly, tiny baby? What is wrong with this wom---"Anyway, you called me, so what's the deal"

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