Her Adventures, Let Them Eat Cake!

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A knock was made on the door of the large townhouse. The Male stopped what he was doing and walked over to the door. The door was opened to show a coffee toned Male. He looked down and brightly smiled and opened the door wider "(Y/n), welcome back" (Y/n) squealed in her head 'He didn't add the Miss!'

The girl smiled as Cat Claude and Drossel stepped in with her "Bean! Hey, kid!" She sat the carrier in her arms down and threw her arms around him, swaying them as she hugged him while he did the same. He had gotten somewhat used to her odd gestures. He thought her random hugs were nice and warm, he enjoys having her arms wrapped around him and he actually liked the feeling of holding her as well.

She made Agni feel warm inside. I know, weird for this innocent Bean to say but, it wasn't like the usual feeling he felt whenever he was with Soma. It felt different...

Maybe it was just a sickness. Besides, he only saw (Y/n) as a little Sister


Agni smiled at CC and Drossel "Good evening, Mr. Keinz" Drossel nodded "Same to you, Agni" Agni waved to the little Cat "Good evening, tiny one" Claude meowed and licked his paw, rubbing himself on Agni's leg as a greeting.

"Is Sudara yōdhā here yet?"

The hurried footsteps of Soma popped up next as he raced down the stairs and to the front door. He hopped down the rest of the stairs with a small stumble and looked tot he front door. (Y/n) smiled at him as she held something in her hands "Soma! My Cinnamon Roll!" Soma threw his arms up and ran to her, scoping her up and laughing "(Y/n)! My beautiful Queen!" (Y/n) blinked rapidly and looked up in suprise and confusion as they hugged "Huh?"

Soma tilted his head with the same look but carried a smile "Huh?" Soma looked behind her, his arm still around her waist "Ah, I see you brought your Khansama with you as well. You even brought along the tiny Tiger" Claude meowed at Soma and Drossel glared at Soma.

(Y/n) looked back and forth 'So....We just gonna pretend he ain't say that?'

Soma simply pulled (Y/n) closer by her waist "Come along! Agni has made his famous Curry!" (Y/n) looked up to Soma as he dragged her away "Wait, the one with the Blue Lobster?!" Soma nodded "Yes, that is the one"

"Fuck yess! Ima be a fat bitch after this shit!"

Soma and Agni happily smiled as she ran off, ignoring her language. Soma threw his arms up "Yes! Let us eat!" He trailed right after her while Agni took the food Drossel held in his hands and ushered him to follow "Miss (Y/n), be careful. We wouldn't want you to break anything" (Y/n) looked back at Agni "Huh?---Ahh! Wait!" Soma bumped right into her, the carrier she held in her arms floating up into the air. (Y/n) stared at the carrier in horror, Soma stared at it in curiosity, Drossel had a look of indifference, Claude's mouth was slightly open. And then...

"Dont worry, I've caught it"

There was Agni, who stood with a happy smile and held both carriers in his arms. (Y/n) let out a relieved sigh but it didnt last as both her and Soma fell to the ground. They let out small groans as they laid on the floor. Drossel came over and took it upon himself to help them up, pulling (Y/n) up first and then looking down at Soma, thinking that he shouldn't help him at all. But, he soon did the same to Soma and helped him up. (Y/n) lift his hat and ruffled his hair "Thank you, Little Prince" Drossel nodded with that same cold face but she could tell he appreciated the gesture. Soma stated at the action, wondering what it must feel like.

So, he went to try and find out. Soma peered over Drossel's shoudlers as she pat his red hair "What are you doing?" (Y/n) looked over to him and walked between the two, sitting Drossel's hat on her head and using both of her hands to pat their heads. Soma blinked owlishly till he slowly melted and enjoyed his head patting. A hiss was made below them, making (Y/n) look down to see Cat Claude flicking his tail around in anticipation. (Y/n) went to pat him until she saw Agni giving them a curious look as he put the food on the table.

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