Her Adventures, Matchmaker

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Ciel sat in his office, fixing a few papers and scoffing at a few. Then, a knock was made in the door. Ciel gave the door a 'hmm?' in acknowledgement. He didn't have time to waste, just a few more papers...

"Sir, we seem to have some uninvited guest"

Ciel, thinking that it was someone coming to kill him, narrowed his eyes "Bring him in..." The door slowly cracked open, suspense in the air as to who it was....

Sebastian poked his head in first before..


The door burst open as the giggling blonde raced all the way towards him while Sebastian stumbled at the door, trying to regain his balance. A new person walked in as well, although she was dreading the fact that she was placed in a dress, she still walked in with a proud smirk and confident stance. (Y/n) threw her arms up, purposely hitting Sebastian in the face. He sent her a scowl while she ignored him.

"The Queen bitch has arrived!"

Elizabeth laughed at her wording and covered her mouth "We cant say such things, (Y/n)!" (Y/n) crossed her arms, still smirking and 'happying' "Well, Ima say it today. Come along, Phantomhive. Were goin' on a 'Teen Day'" Ciel squinted his eyes in confusion. You mean to tell me, his Fiancée and the girl he wants teamed together?

I dont know 'bout y'all, but I smell bad news

"'Teen'...'Day'.." Elizabeth nodded and grabbed his hands, CHUCKING HIS ASS OUT OF HIS SEAT, and dragged him to (Y/n). Shw cupped his hands and stared into his eye as he recovered from his dizzy state "Oh, (Y/n) had this wonderful idea to take us all out since we had nothing to do!" Ciel gathered himself together and looked back and forth at the two girls "What makes you think I dont have anything to do" He then glared at (Y/n) "How did you get in contact with her?"

(Y/n) waved her hand "Psssh, I saw her in town earlier" Ciel narrowed his eyes "And what were you doing in town..." She should at least tell him her whereabouts, should she not?

(Y/n) rolled her eyes "Nonya" Ciel lift a brow "Nonya. What?" (Y/n) checked her nails with a hand on her hip "Nonya business, Bitch. Pfft, how you fell for that?" (Y/n) laughed "Why should I tell you what I do?" Ciel's eye twicthed the slightest. (Y/n) flattened her lips and furrowed her brows "....Yeah...Anyway, so!"

She wrapped her arm around Elizabeth and Ciel's shoulders, hugging them close "We're goin' out to have a 'Teen Day' and you cant get out of it. Sebastian!" The ravenette looked to her, curios as to what her plan was "You're stayin' here! Elizabeth, rope his ass!" Elizabeth nodded and grabbed Ciel's arm, dragging him out the door. You could hear her giggles all the way down the hall. (Y/n) ran right after them but, an arm blocked her at the doorway.

She looked up to Sebastian only to find him giving her that closed eyed smile. He pat her head "Why dont you stay with me, hm? I'm sure we can find something entertaining to do" Sebastian came a bit closer to her ear, pecking her neck for a reaction. (Y/n) pulled a smug, silly ass face and pushed him back. She pat his arm "Sorry, bitch. No Elders allowed!"

She ran past him and went down the hall, laughing all the way. Sebs scoffed and walked out the room with a scowl on his face.

Ah, he's just pissed cause he couldn't get his dick sucked, get fucked---

Ah, he's just pissed cause he couldn't get his dick sucked, get fucked---

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