Chapter Thirteen

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"Thank you for dinner!" Hyunjin cheered as the food was placed in front of the four boys, steam rising off the meat and filling the air with delicious scents that Minho relished.

Minho was quick to serve himself some of the food. Knowing that he was eating with other boys his age, he had learned from experience that if one did not serve themselves quickly, there would soon be no food to be consumed.

"So... Minho," Chan spoke around a mouthful of food. He was clearly very hungry. "I know that we got your stuff from you dad's house, but are you still staying at Hyunjin's house even now?"

"Yes," Minho cleared his throat and took a sip of water before he continued to explain. "Hyunjin's mother and mine are very close, old friends. When my parents got divorced, my mom had to leave back to her home town which is pretty far, so she asked Hyunjin's mom to take care of me. She's been doing so every since."

"Then..." Jisung suddenly spoke up, making Minho's head turn so fast he was surprised he didn't get whiplash. "Why didn't you just go with your mom if you didn't want to stay with your dad?"

"That's the thing with famous people," Hyunjin muttered, loudly sipping at his soup. "They have to keep the family image."

Minho nodded to agree with what Hyunjin had said. "My dad had lost his wife in a relatively nasty divorce, and he was also running for office at the time, which didn't look good. It would look even worse if his only son chose to go with his mother instead of staying with him. As part of the agreement, my father would pay for all my expenses and take care of me, keeping me in a good school and such and my mom would let me stay with him."

"Ah..." Jisung sheepishly looked back at his food. "Sorry for asking, that seems sensitive."

"It's fine, that was years ago so I'm all good now," Minho gave a small smile before he went back to eating. What he had said was truthful. He didn't mind talking about that part... but there was something behind the divorce that he had never talked to anyone about, not even Hyunjin. That part he would keep to himself for... probably his entire life.

"We're almost done with a song that we've been writing. If you guys want to come by and listen to it tomorrow, you can be the first people to hear it!" Chan suddenly brought up, breaking the silence. "What do you think, Jisung? Who better than Hyunjin and Minho!"

Minho looked up from under his brows to find Jisung's eyes were glued to him. Minho almost choked but saved himself last minute. He sat back up and answered Jisung's stare with his own, almost forgetting to blink.

His chest started to ache within seconds of him returning Jisung's gaze. His hand sub-consciously went to massage his chest where the ache had started, flinching as his hand came into contact with the tenderness underneath.

Gently, Minho could feel his heart racing.

Why was that happening? He had been sitting here this entire time, not exercising or anything. Why would his heartbeat be so rapid?

But as soon as Jisung broke their stare off, the feeling vanished into thin air. Not a single painful area left. The sudden shock of no longer being in pain sent chills down Minho's spin, making him suck in a tight breath.

"You okay?" Hyunjin peered over his way, his eyebrows raised.

"I'm fine," Minho managed, looking the other way so the other boys at the table would not see how red his face had gotten in a matter of seconds. This was so embarrassing...

As expected, it didn't take long for them to finish the food in front of them. Minho wasn't sure if it was better to stand up and leave and return home or to stay to talk to the other boys for a while longer. He looked to Hyunjin to help, but as usually, his friend was not very helpful. In fact, he was the opposite.

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