Chapter Sixteen

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"Well that was nice, wasn't it?" Hyunjin put his arm around Minho's shoulders as they walked back towards the front of the palace. "Is there anything else that you guys want to do?"

"You guys can go first, I want to stay behind and do something really quickly," Minho nodded towards the group.

"You're going to ride the horse, aren't you?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Does anybody want to stay and supervise Minho? I'm hungry so I want to leave, but I don't trust him alone."

"Rude," Minho sniffed.

"I'll stay," Changbin offered. Jisung looked hesitant, but he also agreed to stay with Minho for a while longer.

"Alright. Chan and Felix and I are going to go eat. We'll bring food back for you guys, so just call us when you are done, okay?"

"Alright," Minho nodded and watched the group of three walk out to the parking lot before he turned back to Jisung and Changbin. "You guys don't have to ride if you don't want to."

"I want to ride," Jisung turned down his offer. Changbin nodded. "I also want to ride."

"Okay," Minho walked back over to the woman at the front desk to pay for the extra fee that came with riding the horses. Then she turned them over to another young man that led them to the stables. "We often switch out the horses in the pasture behind the palace, so these guys aren't always here," he told them. "Go ahead and choose one that you'd like to ride today!"

Minho walked into the barn with Jisung and Changbin. All the horses were clearly well bred, they were tall and had gleaming coats. Jisung walked over to a tall white mare that was standing next to the grey that he had pet earlier. "This one is fine for me," he murmured, nodding towards the white mare.

Minho looked around. Changbin had already found the slightly smaller black gelding to be of interest, so he went with what his gut was telling him. He walked up next to Jisung and extended his hand for the tall grey to sniff. "Hello," he greeted the horse, brushing his hand over his nose.

"Are you three all done?" the staff member popped his head back into the stable. He looked over the three horses that had been chosen. "I should warn you ahead of time, that one has a nasty temper sometimes," he told Minho.

"Don't worry," Minho didn't know why the staff member shouldn't worry, but he found the words tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. "I'll be fine."

How would he be fine? Minho didn't know how to ride! He just knew... how to dance!

"If you boys wouldn't mind just waiting outside, I'll get everything ready for you.  When we're done you'll be lead out to the trail where you'll ride by yourselves."

"Thank you," Changbin grabbed Jisung's arm  and Minho followed them out of the stables.

"What made you want to ride the horses?" Jisung asked suddenly, leaning back against the stable wall. "Do you really like horse riding?"

"No, I don't think I've ever really ridden a horse," Minho shrugged with his arms crossed. "I honestly have no idea. I just wanted to do it."

Jisung stiffly watched the older boy before he nodded and turned away so Minho couldn't see the expression on his face. Honestly, Minho wasn't sure why Jisung hadn't already left. He was sure that even if they seemed to have a decent understand of each other and didn't hate each other's guts, he wouldn't want to hang around Minho unless he needed to.

Minho tried to ignore that fact as he spotted the grey gelding being led from the back. He stood up straight and walked over to meet them. "Is this my guy?"

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