Chapter Two

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"I swear, you're overthinking it," Hyunjin laughed as Minho slumped over in the car's passenger seat. "It's going to be great! So much fun! I'll introduce you to a bunch of people, and then-"

"Let's just go already."

"Okay, okay," the car started up and Hyunjin pulled off of the property onto the long empty road. It was still pretty early in the morning, only seven o'clock and not too many people were outside on a Sunday morning this early.

"So what are you doing today?" Minho asked, glancing over at Hyunjin. "Do you just go in and do whatever?"

"I have a dance class today. You can come on in and show off if you'd like," Hyunjin joked. "There are some pretty good dancers there too though. And then after that I have a music production class with a few other students. It's a small, tight group of some guys our age, so you'll feel right at home."

"I don't really produce songs-"

"Come on, Minho! What are you afraid of? They're just like us," Hyunjin glanced down at his phone that was sitting against the dashboard, lighting up as someone was calling him.


"Can you pick that up for me?"

"What? Come on, man!"

"I'm driving!"

"Just check who's calling!"

Minho sighed and picked up Hyunjin's phone, looking down at the caller. "Our Little Dark Demon?"

"Oh, that'll be Changbin-hyung," Hyunjin laughed at what he thought was a clever caller ID and nodded to Minho. "Go and pick that up. That's one of the music production guys. Tell him we're on our way. He'll be waiting for us."

"Seriously?" Minho muttered as he picked up the call. "Hello?"

"Hyunjin-ah, where are you?"

"Um, I'm sorry. Hyunjin's driving us right now. I'm his friend, Minho. He said to tell you we're on our way."

"Oh..." the voice on the other end went quiet for a moment. "Okay then. Tell him to hurry up, I'm waiting for him at the company."

"Yes, we'll see you soon," Minho quickly hung up and turned to Hyunjin who glanced over from where he was driving. "He says to hurry up."

"Of course he did," Hyunjin chuckled before he picked up the pace, the car speeding down the road just at the speed limit. Minho couldn't help but let a small smile crack on his lips as he stared out at the passing trees thinning into city walls and towering buildings.

"I can't believe you actually managed to get me here," Minho muttered as he stared up at the JYP building above them. "I didn't think it was so big."

"Hold on, let me park first," Hyunjin looked around as he pulled into a parking spot in front of the building in the small parking lot. "Do you see a short guy that's wearing all black around here?"

"You mean that guy?" Minho nodded over to the entrance of the building where a young man fitting Hyunjin's description was walking out to greet him.

Hyunjin turned the engine off and unbuckled his seat belt, sitting back for a moment as he looked over at Minho who was still staring up at the building. "Are you nervous?"

"No," Minho murmured, distracted. "Just curious."

"Good, let's go!"

Climbing out of the car, Hyunjin smiled and went over to greet his friend who was indeed wearing all black and... perhaps looked much like his caller ID. Minho followed his friend out and bowed his head slightly to greet Changbin.

Born From Kings - Minsung (Promise Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now