Chapter Nineteen

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Minho had luckily been right. The manager that he spoke to was very understand of his situation, even though he couldn't give her the exact details of why he needed a dorm so badly. He didn't want to create even more drama about his father if he told her absolutely everything.

He was promised that a dorm would be ready for him by evening. There were a lot of open spaces luckily, since the last month's evaluations had cut many people from the company.

Chan had arrived earlier than Minho would have expected, and he was shocked to find that Hyunjin and Minho had arrived even before him.

He treated them to some coffee as Hyunjin filled him in on what happened. 

"Wow... that's pretty awful," Chan murmured, sitting back in his chair. "And so you can't go back to Hyunjin's house?"

"We should have expected his father to find him quickly, since my place would be an obvious place to go," Hyunjin sighed. "Honestly, it would have been better if we had thought about just living in a dorm right away. It would have saved us all this trouble."

"Sorry for involving you," Minho put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "And for waking you up so earlier in the morning, I know that you don't enjoy this at all."

"All for you, friend. If it had been anyone else, I would have turned them down."

"A lot of us already live in a dorm, so we know what it's like," Chan assured Minho. "I mean, everything is relatively clean. There's not a lot of space... but it's nice to be able to live with guys your age!"

Minho nodded. "So who are you dorming with right now?"

"Right now? Jisung, Changbin, and Felix just joined us as well. Changbin and I were already sharing a room, but our other roommate got cut, so Felix joined us. But the same thing just happened to Jisung, so he's in need of a roommate right now anyway."

"Well there you go!" Hyunjin nodded proudly like this was all part of his big plan. "That's perfect! You can move in with Jisung and dorm with him until things settle down."

"That'd be so much fun!" Chan grinned. "Don't worry, our dorm is always pretty... chill!"

Minho highly doubted that, knowing the boys who were currently living there, but he kept that to himself. 

One by one, more of the trainees began to appear in the building, spreading out from the dance studios to the recording studios and other practice rooms. Chan stayed with Minho and Hyunjin, who had nothing to do at the moment.

Eventually Changbin arrived from their dorm, looking tired with bags under his eyes.

"What happened, did you not sleep last night?" Chan stressed, looking his friend up and down. "You don't look like it!"

"I was working on a track," Changbin muttered, slumping down in the chair next to Chan. "And you're such a hypocrite, you need to get more sleep as well."

"Well. That's different," Chan crossed his arms and tried to look as serious as possible. It didn't really work. 

Felix and Jisung arrived soon after, walking into the building together. Jisung had been talking about something under his breath while Felix nodded along, his Korean not yet good enough to hold conversation most of the time, but his understanding making him a good person to just talk to.

Jisung came to a stop in front of the table, Felix pausing his listening to turn his attention to those in front of him as well. "What's going on here?" Jisung asked, looking over the group of boys who were at the company much earlier than they usually were.

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