Chapter Seventeen

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The early morning birds woke Minho from his slumber. Minho was grateful to have been woken up. He had been plagued by dreams almost every night since they had gone to visit the Han Palace. Dreams of fire, sometimes war, other times sunshine and wide open fields with children laughing.

Those ones weren't the bad ones. The ones where everything was light and happy. There were a few of those dreams, scattered around in Minho's memory. Most of them were bad though. Most of them included him being burned by the flames, or cut by the sword. And every times, Minho would wake up and find that the same injury he suffered in the dream was living on his body.

This morning Minho looked down to find a small gash in his lower leg. In the dream, his leg had been torn open by an arrow. In real life, it was just a small hole that was trickling blood. That was something that had become common. Minho would find the injury, in a lesser form, wherever it had been during the dream.

Hyunjin groaned and flipped over as he heard Minho stand up. "Again?"

"Yes," Minho walked over to the bathroom and started the shower. He warmed the water before he stepped inside, washing the blood from his leg. "It's fine though."

"Is it a burn?"

"No, it's a cut," Minho peered down to look at the injury. "It's not deep, it's already stopped bleeding."

"That's good," Hyunjin sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. "Do I need to bring you to a shaman or something? I feel like these dreams are getting out of control?"

"They're not to hurt me, they're trying to get my attention. I just... don't know why," Minho pulled his leg out from under the water and pulled out a wrap of bandages. "It's fine. I'll just have to figure out what these dreams are trying to tell me."

"Well you'd better hurry up and find out quickly before you bleed to death," Hyunjin walked over to his friend to peer at the hole in his leg before he sighed and walked back to his bed and flopped down. "Let me know if it doesn't stop."

"Alright," Minho finished washing the wound and quickly bandaged it. He made sure that he was wearing loose pants that day, so that bandage wouldn't be seen from underneath his clothing.

"I'm heading out!" Minho called back to his friend, who likely was still in bed pretending to be asleep so Minho wouldn't bother him. "I'll see you at the company!"

He did wait for a reply. He clipped his helmet on and swung his leg up onto the motorcycle. He took off down the street without hesitation. 

School was becoming more and more of a chore. It was becoming clear to the young man that he wasn't ever going to be like his father. Minho's father, while a disgraceful human, was a very smart one as well. Where his mother had used her smarts to try and help those around her, his father tried to manipulate them instead. 

That kind of brain power... Minho didn't bother try and stress about it. There was no point. He was smart enough to figure out his life on his own, so he didn't have to be a genius. 

Minho did get to class in time though, and he studied throughout the day. He didn't like the idea of failure, even though he didn't really care about school at this point. He still wanted to make sure that he didn't flop all his classes, so he could graduate and some point and then devote his life to his dream.

The one of dancing, not the weird ones where he was always getting stabbed or something.

During lunch was the only time where Minho felt at peace and even enjoyed his time on the school campus.

The reason being that he could go into the library and look for books. 

Currently, he was reading up on one about the saddles that were used during the Han Kingdom's time. Perhaps it was because of what had happened in the stables at the Han Palace, with Jisung and Changbin. He felt like there was something that could be learned from the horses, and the saddles were a good place to start.

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