Chapter Forty Three

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"Yeah, we all already knew that," Chan said, crossing his arms. "Was that really what you called us all here to tell us?"

"You're kidding me?" Jisung groaned. "You couldn't even pretend to be surprised? Most people would have all of fainted right now, but you're just sitting there?"

"What do you want us to do, pretend to lose our shit?" Hyunjin asked, sitting next to Chan, his face a look of equal disinterest. "I mean, I've caught you basically sucking each other's faces off and you want me to pretend that I didn't see this coming?"

Minho and Jisung shared a look.

All eight of the boys were sitting in Minho and Jisung's living room on a wide brown couch. Every single one of the members looked at them with either a look of approval or disinterest. 

"I told you that they already knew."

"I know, I know..."

"Anyway, was there a point behind this?" Changbin called, standing beside the couch with Felix, who was wearing a broad smile.

"Well... we're getting married?"

"Oh?" Chan lifted his eyebrow. "Where are you planning on doing that?"

"The US, when we're on tour," Jisung looked over at Minho, who nodded. "And uh, we're planning on having a small little ceremony with just us and our parents, or some of them at least. And we just wanted to tell you guys first."

"Well, we know, so... congrats!" Hyunjin stood up and clapped Minho' on the back. "Good job, you finally secured yourself a person."

"He's been mine for a while," Minho pointed out, but he smiled anyway.

"Our tour starts next week," Seungmin said cautiously, standing up from the couch. 

"We know," Minho nodded. "We're going  to go see my mom for a few days and then we'll be back and we'll leave for the tour. We're leaving tomorrow."

"Oh? You ran this by the company?" 

"Of course," Minho looked around. "Well, in part. Hey, about that... how do you guys feel about making our own company? I'm not feeling the: if-they-find-out-you're-married-they-might-kick-you-out vibe that I'm getting from them."

"Uhhhhh that's a good point," Chan looked around the room. "I'm down. Let's talk about it more when you're back."

"Okay," Minho winked and gave him a thumbs up. 

"And," Jisung cleared his throat and motioned towards the kitchen. "We have steak, so we didn't call you for nothing."



"Do you want me to wake you up when we're almost there?" Jisung asked, stacking their bags away. 

The two young men were already on the train on their way to go see Minho's mother and Minho had settled into the small resting area where his eyes were beginning to droop.

"Sure, if you don't want to sleep with me," Minho yawned and tucked his face away into the pillows. "Don't let us miss our stop because you don't wake me up in time."

"I got it, I got it," Jisung waved him away and Minho settled down among the blankets that they had brought. 

His mother had obviously been told about Minho and Jisung a long time ago, and they were mainly going now to go and formally invite her to their wedding, which was going to be taking place in LA, which would be in a few weeks. They had booked a small wedding venue that had a beautiful little flower field which would be beautiful while the sun was setting. 

Born From Kings - Minsung (Promise Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now