Chapter Twenty Six

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Minho sat down and set the coffee cup in front of Jisung, holding his own in his hands. The air off the sea had been very cold, and they were quickly trying to warm up.

"Alright, where to start..." Minho stared down at the ground for hard minute. "I guess from the beginning."

Jisung nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

"Well, my parents both weren't rich when they met each other. They were both students at a college in Seoul studying law. They both came from country backgrounds, and were always being told they would never make it as lawyers."

"They fell in love while they were still in school. They were both young and attractive, but more than anything they actually loved each other," Minho gave a soft smile as he stared down at the swirling black liquid in his cup. "And then they had me after they got married."

Jisung did nothing but nod.

"But my dad, he was ambitious in ways that my mom wasn't. My mom got hired at one of the biggest law firms in Seoul and started to work her way up the ranks. But my dad... he wanted something bigger."

"So he ran for office."

"Yes, so he ran for office," Minho sighed. "And so he became an important person to the city, the country. And of course money started flowing in like crazy. I remember one week having not been able to afford a new bike to ride to school, and then all of a sudden we were moving and I could have a bike, but I could also have a motorcycle and a car if I wanted."

Minho paused and took another sip of his coffee. "My dad began to have affairs with those around him. And you've met my mom, she wasn't going to stick around while she was still young and he was cheating on her with practically a different woman every night. But all this time I didn't know that he had been having affairs."

"Of course you wouldn't know, you were just a kid."

"But I caught him and my step-mom. And that's when I knew why Mom was so unhappy and why it seemed like she was getting ready to stay goodbye. My dad was going to keep me in Seoul since it was better for my education."

"So my mom left immediately after they got divorced. But my dad, being a politician, had to maintains a stable, public family. So he married my step-mother and confined me to living as his puppet."

"And you just went along with it?"

"Not exactly," Minho laughed. "I did run away one summer to tour with BTS in Japan."


"Yeah," Minho laughed.

Jisung thoughtfully took a sip from his cup before he downed the entire thing. He set his cup down before he turned to Minho. "Let's rest here for a while before we go back."

"Okay, sounds good," Minho agreed. 

One thing Jisung hadn't learned about Minho yet: the guy could literally fall asleep anywhere within a matter of minutes.


Minho sat at a small table, his head down as his brush created characters on a piece of paper. His handwriting looked really nice, that was for sure.

The door to the room opened, but Minho didn't turn to see who it was. A few seconds later, two rustles of fabric came from either side of him. He finally set down his brush and turned to look at who had sat down next to him.

"Oh... you two, what are you doing here?"

"Yeong said he wanted to go outside," the young woman smirked at the boy sitting across from her. "And I told him to come ask you first."

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