Chapter Twenty Eight

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Minho and Jisung's bags had been packed up and set near the door. Soon-ie was sleeping on top of one of the bags, tail covering her nose as she slept.

Minho had been grieved that at the moment, he could not bring Soon-ie back with him, and had to leave her with his mom. Minho's mom promised that she would take care of the small kitten, but Minho was convinced that she might accidently kill it.

At the moment Jisung and Minho were hauling the rest of their bags down the stairs. Minho's mom was sending them back on the KTX train instead of driving hours to get them back to Seoul, having just left.

Minho was glad that he could spare his mom the trip back to Seoul. But Minho's mom had insisted on getting them a private room on the train, so there wasn't much of a difference either way.

"Is this the last one?" Jisung asked, huffing as he set down the last of Minho's bags. Minho was taking a lot of his stuff back with him, since he hadn't been able to bring a lot of his things from his dad's house.

"Yes, this is it," Minho scooped up Soon-ie in his arms and held her close to his chest.

"Oh boy..." Jisung laughed softly. "I think you're going to miss that cat too much."

"Poor Soon-ie," Minho whispered, brushing his finger over Soon-ie's ears. Jisung picked up his phone and took a quick picture of the scene before he stuffed his phone back into his pocket and sighed. "Come on, we have to get going."

"Right, right," Minho gently set Soon-ie back on her feet as he checked outside. His mom was standing by the car, ready to drop them off.

"Alright, let's go," Jisung picked up several of the bags, and Minho did the same. They had to make two trips from the front door to the car in order to get all the bags, but they managed to get them all packed into the trunk.

"Alright boys, you ready?" Minho's mom asked, looking back in the mirror as she pulled out of the drive way.

"Yes," Minho said softly, staring off at the sea as their car pulled onto the road. "It was a really nice stay though."

"Come back and visit me with your friends again some time soon, okay?" 

"Yes, I promise."


The rest of the car ride was mostly silent. When they pulled up to the train station, they got a cart to carry all of their bags. 

Minho hugged his mom, clinging to her shoulders for several minutes before he finally let go. Jisung also shared a short hug with Minho's mom before they both waved and left towards the station entrance.

Minho and Jisung quickly packed away their bags into the storage, and then were escorted to their private room, which was decently large and very empty aside from a small bed-like pullout and some seating.

"This isn't bad," Jisung commented, taking a seat at the table. He watched as Minho went over to the window. The train would leave within a few minutes.

"Are you sad that you're leaving already?"

"No..." Minho sighed, leaning against the wall. "I mean, I won't miss this place. It's old, smells like fish... but I'll miss my mom of course. I would have stayed longer if our break had been longer. I haven't spent time with her like that for years."

"I know... I'm sorry that we have to leave so soon," Jisung said sadly, watching his roommate. 

Minho nodded. "I-"

The train suddenly jerked forward, sending Minho flying to the side, landing on...


It took a few moments for the two boys to come to their sense, but when they did they found Minho had been thrown into Jisung's lap and was hanging onto his shoulders while Jisung's hands rested on Minho's back.

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