Chapter Forty Nine

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"And this morning, the world was hit with shocking news, released from JYP Entertainment regarding one of their most popular boy groups ever, Stray Kids."

"Yes, the media released to the public was in the form of a hand-written level from two of the group's members. While the letter did not give many details, it was a combined message of gratitude from two members, Han and Lee Know, regarding their own, apparently romantic, relationship."

"The two members asked for time from the public eye and privacy as they begin their new lives together. The letter concluded with a picture, which appears to be from a wedding ceremony."


(Two years later)

"Jisung-ah! Have you seen that watch that you gave me last year? I've been trying to find it, but it's not on my desk, I don't know where it went!"

"I put it with all your other watches in the closet! Go check there!"

Minho hurried into the closet, fixing the color of his shirt as he did so. He looked around semi-frantically for a few minutes before he found what he was looking for and latched the watch around his wrist.

"You don't need to look so dressed up, it's not like we're going to a party or something," Jisung commented as he watched Minho walk out of the closet.

"What? I want to look presentable."

"I know, I know," Jisung took Minho's hand and pressed a small kiss to it. "Don't worry so much, it's  going to be okay."

"Okay, okay, we have to go now!" Minho grabbed the keys to the car and ran out the front door. "We don't want to be late!"

"We're not going to be late!" Jisung cried, running out ater him.

Even pacing outside of the terminal, Jisung was clearly the less anxious one, as Minho walked back and forth, waiting for the place to begin unloading.

"Here, come here," Jisung said quietly, reaching out for Minho's hand. "Come here, and just wait!"

As he spoke those words, the first passengers began to file off the plane. Coming all the way from Korea, they looked haggard and tired, and yet when Jisung and Minho caught the eyes of Minho's mother, their eyes lit up.

"Mom!" Minho called, waving his hands in the air. "We're over here!"

As she got closer, Jisung and Minho rushed to see her. Minho, while excited to see what she ws carrying, hugged her lightly around her shoulders. "Thank you so much for bringing them."

"Of course!" she smiled, before turning around, showing off the baby backpack she was using. "You're going to want one of these. They're very useful for two of these guys."

As she spoke, one of the two babies started wailing, her small lungs creating so much noise, it wsa incredible.

"Hey now, it's alright," Jisung whispered, picking the small girl out o the backpack. "It's okay, Hei-ran, it's okay. I know, you must be so tired of planes..."

"And here's little Yeong..." Minho's mother picked the smaller baby out of the front of the carrier and placed him in Minho's arms. He stared down at the baby in shock for a few moments, before he smiled. "I can't believe we found you..."

"You two are going to be such good parents," Minho's mother sighed, watching her two boys as they cradled the babies. "I'm so glad that this worked out. I was a little worried to be honest, trying to leave Korea. But here we are!"

"It's alright, it's perfectly legal here for a couple like us to adopt children," Minho reassured her. "They'll be just like every other child."

"I do hope that you'll come and visit often though, there's so many things that I'm going to want to show my grandkids about their motherland."

"Motherland? Mom, you sound like a grandma."

"I am a grandma now!"

Minho chuckled as he brushed his finger across Yeong's soft cheek. "I knew it was them as soon as I saw them," he whispered, just loud enough for Jisung to hear him. 

It was true. The couple had started searching for their children as soon as they had married, and for nearly two years he had been sure that they would never find them. What were the chance that Yeong and Hei-ran had both been reborn in the same time their parents had?

But as soon as Minho saw the pictures of the two crying babies, he recognized them immediately. He had spent so many long hours memorizing every inch of their faces that it would have been impossible to miss. 

Yeong's small fist reached out and grabbed ahold of his father's long pointer finger. The babies had both stopped crying as they were passed along to their parents. Minho held Yeong tightly in his arms.

Jisung tucked his head against Minho's shoulder as they held their children fondly. 

"We've all found our ways back to each other," he whispered. "I'm sure it was destiny."

Minho pressed a gentle kiss to Jisung's forehead. "You were always my destiny."

Slowly, the family turned and made their way home. 


Born From Kings - Minsung (Promise Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now