Chapter Forty Two

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"Okay, stand right there," Minho direct, focusing the camera on where Felix and Jisung were leaning in towards the large face of a dark horse, standing in the stables.

"Smile!" he called, before he snapped the picture. 

"Did you get it?"

"I got it!"

"Nice," Jisung stepped away from the horse and went over to look at the picture. "That one's good," he concluded. "Send that to me as well, I'll post it on my Instagram."

The boys were taking advantage of their high follower count to spread the word about the Han Palace. In his post, he linked the donation website. He looked up a Felix and Jisung who nodded before he pressed "post".

Within seconds, the view count sky rocketed and comments started flowing in. Minho could only hope that the donations were picking up as well.

"We can't stay here too long, just in case after seeing your post people swarm here," Jisung pointed out as they walked out of the stable. "We should go soon."

The palace had been beautiful. Even the insides, though they were not as they had originally been, had been very well maintained and some of the original furniture was still there. And even more in abundance were the memories.

Memories. Memories. Memories. 

That was all this place consisted of. 

Even as the group turned to leave, Minho found himself recalling even more scenes in his mind, walking a similar path underfoot alongside his friends, husband, children, family. 

He missed it.


"Hold on, hold on, hold on!"

"Touch up the makeup!"

"Their hair needs touching up!"

"I'm going to need you two to get even closer," the director called, standing from where she had been sitting. "No... even closer!"

"If we get much closer we're going to end up kissing," Minho muttered under his breath, trying really hard not to sneeze. 

"Tell me about it," Hyunjin grumbled. 

The two young men were laying against soft green grass, which was the nice part. The not nice part were the dozens of cameras, people, and voices surrounded them. The photoshoot for their newest album had started that morning and Minho had finally been called in to do his part with Hyunjin.

"I need your noses to be basically touching."

"I hate you," Minho grumbled, scooting himself even closer to Hyunjin.

"Hate you too."

After their torturous section was over, Minho changed out of the clothes his stylist had given him into nice comfortable sweatpants, slippers and a huge oversized hoodie of Jisung's. 

Some of the other pairs were still working. Jisung and Seungmin, and Felix and Jeongin were all still shooting, but Bang Chan and Changbin were hanging out in the break room with coffee. Minho plopped down into the chair next to Changbin and grabbed one of the coffee cups from the table. "Thank god that's over."

"I never want to be that close to you ever again," Hyunjin complained, taking a precious ice americano from the table as well. "That was too taxing for me."

"What did they make you do, kiss?"


"Lucky, I just had this idiot nearly squash me to death," Bang Chan nodded to Changbin. "He was sitting on me."

Born From Kings - Minsung (Promise Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now