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Anastsia's POV

We're half way through our walk home and we've barely said anything. He's holding my hand, it's warm compared to the cold air outside.

"Do you like Dell?" Teagan asks quietly. "Uhm... I like him as a friend and everything." I answer unsure. "What do you think of guys who go out with multiple girls?" "Why?" "I dunno, just asking." "Oh."

We keep walking and finally arrive at my house. The awkwardness is over.

"Sorry I can't stay with you. I'm super busy tonight," He lightly kisses my cheek before leaving.

I see Dell in his car already sitting in my driveway.

I walk over and knock my knuckle against his car. He looks over from his phone and smiles. Slowly he gets out.

"What are we doing? What are you doing?" I ask confused. "Let's go inside." Dell smiles pulling my hand.

We go inside and walk to my room. He sits on the bed and I sit next to him. I can see his hand slowly inching over to mine on the bed. I quickly move my hands to my lap as my cheeks turn pink.

"So... There's a party, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come." Dell says. "Uhm, well..." I stutter remembering last time. "It's okay if you don't want to, but I heard it would be fun."

I look at my lap. I absolutely don't want to go, but if I say no, so will he. I kind of have to say yes to him. I really don't want to go though.

"Yeah, sure." I say doubtfully. "Don't worry, I'll stay with you the whole time." Dell smiles and looks into my eyes.

I half smile back, "When does it start?" "Seven 'o clock." Dell answers,"I'll meet you here okay?"

He gets up ready to leave. He looks back at me and turns back to leave again.

I grab his hand, "Wait, who's running it?" "I think it's at Anna's house." Dell answers.

I let go of his soft warm hand and he leaves. He makes me feel so soft and warm inside. I sigh. So dreamy- wait, wait, wait! Never mind that.

What should I wear? I look into my closet and all I find is different pleaded skirts, white collard shirts, a black dress, and socks, stuff like that, and a few other things.

I guess I'll have to character transform. I lay on my bed and think hard about what I want to wear.

"Ugh, this is too hard," I groan getting up and walking back to my closet.

I swipe a pair of black skinnies and and one sleeved white shirt. How did my moms shirt get in here? Whatever.

I change into the clothes and out my black converse back on. I lay on the bed and my eyelids start falling. Why am I so tired? It's after school, not midnight.

I fall slowly fall asleep.


I wake up to something touching my hair. What? I sit up from my bed and look around hazily. I wipe my eyes and see Dell sitting next to me and almost scream. Well, scratch that, I screamed.

He chuckles after I'm done.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING DUDE?!?" I yell at him. "Calm down princess. You wouldn't come to the door after I knocked about a million times so I decided to come in to make sure you were okay." He answers still laughing a little.

I groan and stand up. I get my phone and walk to the car followed by Dell. We both get in and drive to her house in silence.

I look at Anna's white house. It's two stories and looks like a "neighborhood house" which is basically a house that looks like it was copied a bunch and makes a neighborhood. I walk inside with Dell at my side and slip off my converse.

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now