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I wake up happily hopping out of bed. I'm so incredibly glad I don't have to face Katie today. I get the whole weekend to do nothing except for drawing and practicing magic.

I get into a black skirt and a white T shirt with a siamese on it. I slip on a clean pair of socks and slide my way of my room on our wooden floor.

Due to all the rooms in the giant house I decided a long time ago to actually put one of the empty rooms to use. I set up a whole drawing studio type thing. It has all my note books on shelves. A million different colored pencils sit in tubs, all organized. I have a big electrical pencil sharpener and a trash bun nearby to put all of the pencil shavings.

I start to grab out my cat drawing notebook when I hear a knock at the door and sigh. My drawing will have to wait. My parents always make me get the door cause their usually to busy working, or are gone. I walk to the door and open it.

"Hi." Katie said disappointed. "What?" I ask plainly. "Someone spilled to my mother about our so called "fight." So she ordered my to come to your house and apologize to you."

Should I make her work for it?.. Or just end this so I can draw?

"Okay bye. I wanna get back to drawing." I say anxiously. "Where's my sorry?" Katie asks snobbishly. "Sorry for being mean." "Okay good. An remember bitch, I'm the cutest, most popular girl at school. Don't even try stealing Dell away from me. I saw him walk after you. And Anna is MY friend. Back off."

I almost show off my sharp fangs but quickly bite my lip instead so I dot get caught. The inside of my lip starts bleeding. My fangs disappear but I keep bleeding. My face scrunches a little as I'm forced to swallow the blood.

"What with the ugly face? Oh wait sorry, I meant uglier face." Katie teases. "Why are you still here?" I ask annoyed. "Oh yeah. You have to come over as proof that I said sorry." "I'm busy." "No. your not."

Before I can deny yet again Katie forcefully grabs my wrist and starts walking off with me. Where does this girl even live? We go down right, to the end of the street, turn left, go forward, keep going down to the other side, tun right and goes down to the second house. Wow. I never knew she lives so close.

We approached the yellow, normal sized two story house. Katie opens the door and quickly let's go of my hand.

"Hey!!!" Three people yell from inside, "Happy one at before your birthday!!! We are here to hang with you!" "Ohmygosh!!!" Katie screamed excitedly.

I stood behind her dumbfounded.

"Hey, whose with you?" One of the people ahead asked. "Oh yeah. It's Ana. I have to show her to my mom. My mom made me apologize to her and blah, blah, blah. I didn't really listen to the rest." Katie stated trying to act cool, "How about you go inside Ana. Take off your sho- never mind..." Katie said laughing at how I wasn't wearing shoes.

It's her fault. I didn't have any time to do anything cause that brat tugged me to her house.

"I'll show her to your mom Kate." Dell volunteered. "Don't call me that anymore Dell. Only people I think are super cool can call me that. Your just cool, not super cool. Lay off me." Katie said annoyed. "Take off your socks Ana, their not clean." Dell ordered in a harsh tone that I could tell he would rather use to Katie.

I tried to maneuver through Katie, Anna, and Cole (I changed it from Alex to Cole)but Katie pushed me forward into Dell. I bumped against him closing my eyes. When I stopped moving I opened my eyes slightly seeing Dell peering down at me. I backed away, face red, taking off my socks. I laid them near the door making no eye contact with Katie. I caught a glimpse of Anna and Cole's faces and they felt bad. I stood back up and started walking down the hall with Dell trailing behind.

"Why is he even still part of the group?" Katie stated.

I could just barely hear her but when I turned right I waited for Dell. He turned after me and I caught his arm. I looked Ito his eyes, his sad eyes. I could tell he heard her so I let go. Dell started walking and I trailed behind this time.

"You must be Ana! I'm Katie's mom!" I heard someone greet.

I looked up to see a women maybe 35 staring at me. She was wearing a black suit.

"Uh yeah. That's me." I said cautiously. "Did Katie apologize?" Katie's mom asked politely. "Yeah... kind of, I mean yes." "Would you like to come over to Katie's birthday tomorrow?"

I thought for a second. I didn't want to be mean and say no. But I hate Katie. I should just say yes and come.

"I would love to." I lied smiling.

I mean I would come. I just wouldn't LOVE to. Katie's mom smiled in return and handed me a card she had in her pocket. I took a glimpse at it.


It's my birthday tomorrow! And your invited! It's at 9:00 P.M and it's a costume party. If I invited you, you should know where I live. Well see you there!!!


This is going to suck. But I said I would come so I will.

"Katie! I invited your friend Ana to your birthday party tomorrow!" Katie's mom yelled out.

I heard loud, harsh footsteps coming our way. It was Katie with a big red face.

"Mom!" Katie practically screamed. "What hunny?" Katie's mom question calmly. "Because I don't want her to come. She will ruin it!!!" "Hunny she's standing in the room. Besides it will make up for your behavior." "But mom..." "Young lady she is coming. You probably won't notice it anyways. You have at least 50 people coming. And I'll be gone tomorrow." "Fine." Katie glared at me.

I clutched the invitation in my hand even tighter. I walked away calmly to the door where Anna and Cole were innocently holding hands. I grabbed my socks that seemed to have some black stuff inside. Ill look at it later. I opened the door and walked back off to my house barefoot.

Ugh. Now I have to go to Katie's birthday party. Katie is sucks a pain. She's so mean to people. Ugh. Katie. (−_−;)


I hope you liked it! Sorry it's so short!!!


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