Girly Laughs

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"Thanks for taking me out," I smile lightly, my face is pink.

"No problem," He grins as we walk the sidewalk towards the park.

I feel like holding his hand. It's weird. I feel like there should be some connection between us. I would just make it awkward. I don't want to ruin whatever we have right now.

I look down at my red converse. I finally decided on my red conveys, which are new from black. I also got some short shorts, I kind of hate myself for it, but they do look cute. I hate myself right now. I have on a black and white flannel open to a white tank top. Yeah, I hate myself.

Why do I want to wear cute clothes? Hah. Obvious answer. And... it's walking right next to me. Does he think I'm cute when I wear this? Yeah, I really wish I would shut up.

"Woah!" We say in sync as he catches me.

"S-Sorry," We say again, together.

We both laugh slightly as I catch my balance and stand up again. I look up at him. He smiles. My face turns red and I look away. I hear him sniff and mentally face palm myself.

"Perfume?" He questions me.

"Y-yeah," I admit. I mentally kill myself a million times. Ugh!

"It smells good," He tells me as we walk into the park.

I follow him closely behind. He sits down on a swing and i take the one next to him. I start swinging back and forth. Slowly. I look at him, the smile on his face. He's looking at the ground. What is he thinking of? Me? Ashley. Of course.

"You look nice. It's different from what you usually wear," He tells me. He's still looking at the ground, smiling.

"Yeah. Well, it's getting warmer. I don't know. I just don't feel like always wearing the same thing," I lie a little. I'm doing this because of him.

The silence comes again. I look around us. I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I ignore it. I look over at Dell who's looking at me with his eye brows up.

"It's probably Rena bugging me," I say. I actually have no idea who would be contacting me. It's probably her though.

"Just check it. I can check my phone too," He compromises.

"Okay," I nod as I pull out my phone.

I open it up and see Rena's text.

REAE: Hey ladi ouo

Me: Hai 0.0

REAE: Hows your date?

Me: wut

REAE: nuthin ouo


REAE: behind you :)

I look behind me and don't see anyone I look back at my phone.

REAE: lol you just looked behind you righttt?

Me: shuddup ladi


REAE: Ill ttly, I gets to hang with my bae bae

Me: I thought I was your bae ;-;

REAE: Don't worry bae <3 He a side hoe ouo

Me: Screenshot ;)

REAE: I hate you bae bae >->

ME: ttyl

REAE: >_> bai

I take a quick glance towards Dell. He's looking at his phone, smiling a little. You can barely see it. It's small. I bet he's texting Ashley. I look at my phone. I turn it on and start looking through my pictures. I exit out and go to texts and start sliding my screen up and down with nothing to do.

I feel so awkward. I'm always awkward. Duh. Dell makes me feel weird. Because I like him. I'm just going over things I already know. I'm weird. Yeah, duh.

Does Dell like me? Why do I care now? Why didn't I care when it mattered? Because you're weird. Oh yeah. We already went over that. Dell makes me want to dress up, it's annoying. I don't know why. Now I'm just confused. Ugh. Come on head, think for, at... Think one thing at a time. Yeah. States the facts.

Dell is dating Ashley. Does he still like me though? Maybe... I heard some rumors about him and Ashley doing... it... while they were out camping. Is it true..? Lol. How would I ever find out? I'm not going to ask. That would be embarrassing. Do I still like him?


I'm such an idiot. I should have acted like it and told him when I actually had a chance with him. Now it's done. The world has given me enough chances, and I've screwed them all. I should have tried when I had the chance. Now everything's over. Game over.

"Ana?" A voice calls me from my trance.

I look up, my cheeks pink, "Sorry, I was just thinking about random stuff."

"Want to play twenty questions?" He asks.

"Which type..? The type where you ask each other questions or where you guess something..?" I ask stupidly. Why would he want to play the game twenty questions?

"Ask each other questions," He answers my stupid question. "I'll start. Do you still like me?"

The question is so blunt. How am I supposed to answer something like that? Do I lie? Do i tell the truth? What the hell am I supposed to say!?! I can feel myself starting to freak out. What the shiz do I say!?! If I stall too long he'll know the answer.

"Why? You're dating Ashley," I ask somewhat confident in what I'm saying. We're both looking at each other.

"I was just wondering. You can go," He nods to me.

"Do you like me?" The words come out of my mouth as if they're trying to escape from me.

He pauses. His mind seems to be searching for answers. Does that mean yes? Maybe. I wish. I doubt so though. I wish... I laugh a little. He looks at me, questioningly. I only laugh a little more. I look up at the sky. The blue sky and white clouds.

I feel like a weight has just been lifted from me. I feel free. I don't even know why. I just feel silly. Fan girlling over a boy isn't me. I just feel stupid, but in a good way. A laughable way. It's nice this way. A large grin covers my face.

"Am I missing something?" His confused tone asks. I look back at him.

He's amazing. I think I do love him. I just feel like I'll die if I ever fall in love. It's... weird.

~ But When It Comes To You, I'm Never Good Enough ~

Heart Attack Lyrics ^ Thats the song of the chappy <3 Fits ever so perfectly ouo

How's your summer going?
A. Pretty sweet
B. Boring asf
C. When's school start?

~ Delsia Out

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now