Magic Interferes

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So uh... you guys did catch on that Dell is magical, right? If not... SURPRISE!!! Go back and re-read if you wanna like... make sure... HAVE FUN READING GUYS!!!

I wake up to the sound on dishes clacking together, and water running. I open my eyes and look around. I'm in my house, in my room.

All the memories suddenly come flowing back. My face turns bright red. He slept with me, on my bed! Ohmygosh.

I get up and run to the kitchen. When inside I'm met with a beautiful smell of bacon. I see Dell washing off pans and cleaning up the kitchen. Out of no where he just pauses. What's wrong?

Dell's POV

I've been thinking a lot about what's up with my relationship with Ana. I didn't notice until yesterday when I first used magic for her, that I'm magical. I mean, me being magical could affect our relationship big time.

It's never really affected past relationships, but that might be that I went out with total idiots.

I really like Ana, and I'm pretty sure this is real. I want to tell her so badly, but she'll probably leave me and call me a freak. Of course she will. Is falling in love with her a bad idea. Maybe I shouldn't fall in love with her, but I can't just not fall in love with someone.

"You okay Dell?" I hear a small voice from behind me.

I turn to see Ana. She's still wearing the same clothes as yesterday and she looks adorable. Even with bed head she looks cute. How could I not fall in love with her?

"W-what's wrong?" Ana says with a shaky voice while patting her hair down. "Nothing princess. I made you breakfast though." I tell her smiling. "O-okay." "Go back to your room, ill bring it in there."

Without another word Ana leaves to go back to her room.

I leave the dishes in the sink and wash off my hands. I grab the two plates and silverware and head towards Ana's room.

She has such a big house. So many rooms, and this is only the first floor. There are three floors! Her life is so different then mine. Especially because I'm magic... What would she think about me if I was magic?

I finally get to her room and find Ana on her bed, with her stomach on the matress, playing on her phone.

Suddenly, she turns around to greet me and puts her phone beside her. I can't believe she heard me so well. I probably wouldn't have, and I'm magical.

Oh god, she's giving me a funny look. How long have I been standing here? WHY CANT I MOVE MY FEET TOWARDS HER? Come on dummy, DO SOMETHING!

"H-here." I smile awkwardly handing her a plate with a fork, scrambled eggs that have salt and pepper, and three pieces of bacon. "Thanks." Ana smiles cheekily.

I sit aside Ana and eat along with her. I finish soon before her and place my plate on the floor.

With my fork I snatch a piece of bacon from her.

"Hey!" Ana exclaims and turns to me. "You want it back?" I ask smirking. "Y-yes." Ana begs, her eyes seem to sparkle green. "Then say ah." I smile.

Ana's eyes seem to widen a little, and the sparkle disapears. Her face turns into a pouty face, but she still opens her mouth. I plop the piece of bacon into her mouth and she smiles as if she's won.

I have the sudden urge to tell her the truth. It's weird. I mean who gets the urge to just blurt out the truth?

Uncontrollably, I start to speak up, "I-I'm ma-"


Dedicated to AsianProtato she is my closest friend in real life... MAYBE *cough* best friends *cough* 030 I WUV HER CAUSE SHES SO AWESOME!!! I'll make kisses happen very very soon...


~JOE OUT!!!~

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now