Warm Sleep

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I watch as he walks up to his room. He acts as if he's always lived here. I smile slightly. What's going to happen to us now. Not that 'us' is a thing. My cheeks blush at the thought of it.

I walk to my room and sit down on my bed. I get my phone from the bottom of my empty bag. What to say...

Me: Rena, I'm sorry for not talking to you. I should have known to talk to you about it. I guess I just felt really awkward, and I didn't want to intrude. Summer has started and I don't want to way until next year to see you. I'm not too good at really sad situations, I feel like I just make  them worse, and I feel really awkward in them. Overall, I'd really love to talk to you again, sometime soon.

I let out a breath. How long until she replies? I wonder what she's doing. I wonder what I'm doing. What does the future hold for someone like me?

I hear the door softly open and close again. I get up from my bed and creak open my door. I slide across the hardwood floor towards the door to see what's up. I peak outside and see Dell leaving. Where's he going?

"Whatever," I tell myself. I know he's coming back. Not everyone doesn't have a life.

I laugh at my terrible joke. I close the door and walk up to his room. I open the door. I don't know what I expected. All I see is a crease in the bed where he probably sat. I walk over to the bed and sit down where he did.

It's still warm. I feel a rush of sleep overcome me. I stand up, no way I'm falling asleep here. I leave his room and walk back down the stairs to my room. I untie my converse and slip them off. Slowly, I roll onto my  bed and curl up. I grab my phone to see no text, no progress. I clutch it in my hands hoping that maybe someone will come. It's not even late I look at the time, 7:34. Why am I even tired, too much walking around today. I close my eyes and turn off my phone, my eyes are tired from the screen.

The darkness of my room hugs me as I curl up a little more.

~ Decisions Take Time ~

<3 writing a story in LA... 'Journey Story' It's 8/8... too bad he hasn't assigned part two and we've had part one done for a week or more? YUP K.


Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now