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Hey everyone! Sorry this is not an update, BUT KEEP READING!

So liek... I wanted to tell you guys what the characters look like for the ones i havnt writen down... So here I am going to SET IT IN STONE what they look like. It might change if they get a haircut, hair dyed, etc... Skip if you dont care what they look like!

I am just doing the ones I was never 100% sure on!

Hair - BROWN that kind of has dem smexeh bangs and gets short in da back liek all kewl and... I bad at explaining...
Eyes - BROWN and perdy :3
Other - Taller than Ana, fit but no extremely muscualr, super hotz *cough* ... SHHH, dem abs doe, (lawl)

Hair - BLONDE that is like mid chest length with layers and suppa silky soft
Eyes - BLUE liek dat perfect ocean (THAT'S FULL OF EVIL)
Other - A little taller than Ana, not as tall as Dell tho, pretty fit for a ladi :3, vereh attractive (no, not to meh, just to dem bois!!!)

Hair - LIGHTISH BROWN, shes gonna have a haircut soon so I might as well tell you hoaw it looks, she still has little whispy bangs but not as thick and full and also shorter, like mid chest length...
Eyes - LIGHTICH BROWN and pretty af ;D
Other - average height, maybe a tad shorter, kind of strong, su kawaii liek omfg!

Anyone else you wanna know about and I will reply to your comment or pm you!

~JOE OUT!!!~

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now