Left Me

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Its Wednesday. It's been a whole entire week or school days with Dell coming into the silver room with me to eat. I thought he would stop coming after I accepted his apology. He always just sits next to me and eats silently. Once he notices I'm done eating he try to talk to me.

Katie hasn't approached me at all. I see her pictures on some of the poster boards with all the other queen wanna be's. At the dance, which is on Friday, there's a king and queen voted. Even through Dell and Katie aren't dating anymore it's expected from really every kid that Dell and Katie are gonna win.

I finish my food and wait a few seconds. Dell hasn't started talking. I pick up my book, kind of surprised by Dell, and start reading.

"So..." Dell starts awkwardly.

I put my book down and look over at Dell.

"You going to the dance with anyone?" Dell asks. "Hah! Of course not. Who would ask me? You kidding me? Do you even know me? Anyways, I'm not going. Dances are stupid. Girls just make it as an excuse to act extra slutty and to pour make up on themselves. Who are you going with?" I boldly state. "No one..." "You're one of the most popular guys in school, you probably are the most popular guy in school. You're single, which means your available. Are you saying you've rejected every single single girl in school?" "I was planning to ask the girl I wanted to go with. But she doesn't seem to take a hint."

I shrug. I don't know anything about that kind of stuff. It's unneeded anyways. Especially for me. I don't even know how to slow dance. But who cares. It's not like any guy is going to ask me or want to dance with me.

Dell's POV

She responds to me with a shrug. This girl is the smartest person in the whole school. Alway the best grades and highest test scores. But can she not take a hint?!?

I don't really like her. It's just that she's never really been to social things. She is right though. Practically every girl in school had asked me to the dance. I don't know how to ask Ana though.

I found Ana was easiest to call her.

"Wanna go to the dance with me?" I ask looking away playing with my hands.

No responce. I thought this might happen.

"I mean as friends. I noticed that you don't really go to social things." I state. "Oh wow Einstein. I totally remember being social." She says sarcastically. "Do you want to go or not?"

No answer. I guess she doesn't respond to things like that. She only says something where you could say something back without it being totally awkward. I'll try a different approach.

"Let me put it this way. I'll be at the dance in my fancy tux. I'll wait at the doorway of the gym for you from 8:00 to 8:30. If you don't show up them I'll go inside without you." I propose. "Okay." Ana replies in a tiny voice. I get up and leave the silver room.

Anastasia's POV




End of 6th period.




As I enter the classroom with Dell trailing behind I hear a voice, "Hey nerd! long time no talk. Thanks for smashing a bucket on my head. Anyways, I heard Dell here asked you to the dance." Katie. "You a stalker or something?" I ask. "Yeah right. Who would stalk you? So are you going with Dell."

I go to my locker with Katie and Dell following. I get outside, turn on the fence, walk into the woods a short cut to my house, and get near the end when I feel a kick at the back of my knee. I fall down on the pavement. I stop myself with my hands and feel a sharp rock under my left hand. By response I life it up and see the rock lodged into my hand. I pull it out and blood is what I see. It starts coming up slowly. I get another shove and I'm put onto the grass. I look over and see Katie smiling while Dell stands helplessly behind. He's not even standing up for me?

"You didn't answer my question. Are you going with Dell or not?" Katie asks viciously. "Why would you care? I thought you broke up." I snarl. "I still love him."

Katie suddenly gets closer to Dell and kisses him. Right smack on the lips. She holds his head close to her and they kiss for a minute. Once they finish Katie gives me a smirk and I don't even look at Dell. I put both hands on my hips.

"You know what? I'm not going with Dell. He's an-an asshole. You can go do him for all I care! I have a math quiz to study for anyways!" I yell.

I look at Dell directly into his eyes. My eyes want to turn red so badly, but I can't or people will see me using my magic.

"This time I really don't want to see you. Don't eat lunch with me. Don't sit by me. Don't talk to me. Don't make eye contact with me. Don't try and do your little game with manipulating girls like me. And don't ever try again to trick me into being your friend or anything close to that! Go fu** your girlfriend and post it on some stupid website! I never want to see your face again. You're worse than her." I scream.

Dells face is white, I don't care. I couldn't care less. I look over at Katie and smile.

"I guess your not the worst in the school." I comment. "Don't even try to be friends with me." Katie replies. "Whatever. See ya bucket girl."

I turn away and I can here one pair of footsteps come closer and one leave. Either

Katie wants to smack me or Dell wants to apologize.

I feels a light tap on my shoulder. Dell. I don't look back to see his eyes watering or his puppy dog face.

"I guess I'm going with Katie." He says. "I don't care." I respond. "Not the jealous type?" "What's there to be jealous over? I told you I have a science test to study for." "You said math quiz. If your gonna lie, at least lie right." "Just don't go with Katie." "There's blood on your shirt."

It's the last thing he says before leaving me.




I decided to make it short and boring. Sorry!!! >.<

I'll take new characters XD!!!

I love reading comments õ.õ

~JOE OUT!!!~

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now