Amazing Meaning

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The air feels cold. I continue to stare at him as he comes searches his mind of the words. He looks at me. I nod my head, ready for whatever he has to say to me. He looks up at the sky and I hear a slight breath come out of him mouth. Is he, is he holding back tears?

"I don't know how you look at the world, but I'd like to think we looks at it the same," His voice is strong. "I don't know, back then was different. I was different. There was a girl, and we were going out, or whatever you call going out when you're 13. She was actually amazing, well, I mean I thought... Then after maybe a month she broke up with me because some really hot new guy transferred to our school and everyone wanted to be available for him. His personality, a bad boy that doesn't care. He was 'cute' and all the girls loved him. I hated him, allot of the guys did."

He pauses. The air becomes thin. I hear a small breath of laughter come out of his mouth. A small grin shows on his face, "So well... I changed. Now that I look back, I big time overreacted. Now I dress like a bad boy and act like one. The attitude has grown on me. It's stupid."

I look at him as he pauses once again. The pieces are all coming together. I mean I get it. We're 16. Why are we all even thinking about 'true love.' We're all still kids. But this, it holds a great meaning in our lives further down the road. it's like we need someone to love in order to have a complete and full life.

"I get it," I laugh slightly as he did earlier. "You're trying to find someone that doesn't care about looks and money and all that. I mean love, or whatever it is... at this age, it doesn't even matter. But when push comes to shove, it does. We sound like adults. Heh."

"Yeah... you're amazing Anastasia. Hahah. You really get it," He scratches the back of his head and stands up. His hand extends to mine and he helps me up.

~ I Had Always Thought That You Would Be The Only One That Could Make Me Smile ~

FOR ALL YALL SHIPPIN DIS "Anay" OR DIS "Jatia" WHALE DEN. i ship it eue, but i ship Delsia till im d e d ded :3 Because idek... BUT I DO SHIP ANAY <3 DELSIA THO <3

WUT DO YOU SHIP <3 <3 <3

How's school? I hate it :) jkjkjk, kind of :)


Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now