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[ AncientRosetta ]

Anastasia's POV

I sat down at lunch with Rena acroos from me with Blake on my left, who was sitting here while I was out. Andre is sitting diagonal from me. Rena and Andre start talking quitly to eachother while Blake and I sit side by side.

"Thanks for saving me this morning," I laugh a little because of how I said it.

"Yeah, no problem. Those guys are jerks. They just want to look cool, but anyone who's smart sees that they're just making fools of themselves," Blake growls.

"So... I really don't know anything about you, heh."

"There's nothing much... The only big thing is I skipped two years and everyone see's me as a nerd. I love science the most out of all the classes and uhm.. yeah."

"I can't believe you skipped two years! You're so lucky. Anyone who says otherwise is just jealous."



We keep talking about ourselves for a while while eating pizza. Rena and Andre seem to have fun talking too. I'm a little jealous...

Rena can talk so easily to him, even though he's not magic and she can't really tell him. Also, she's always so open with him and they hang out allot. Me, on the other hand, can't do anything.

"Ow," Blake yelps bringing me back to reality.

I look over to see Dell, Katie, Ashley, and a few others corwded around.

"Heh heh, pizza face," Katie laughs.

I look to Blake and some of his pizza, made its way to his face.

"You guys really?" I hear Ashley say behind the laugher.

"Oh come on Dell, it was your idea!" Katie yells over everyone, smirking as she turns to me.

I look towards Dell and give him a death glare. He stands back a little and I turn towards Blake who's desperately trying to wipe off the pizza sauce.

I grab a napkin and help wip it off his face as my cheeks burn.

"Look at the two lovers!" Katie snears.

I wrap my arm around Blake and turn towards Katie, "So what?"

I watch as her smirk disapears and I look from face to face. Ashley's look shows shes truly sorry, a real friend. Even if she is dating him... He looks at me, well he doesn't look at me.

I turn back with my arms still on Blake's shoulders. Rena is smirking and Andre is confused.

"Anastasia you can stop," Blake whispers in my ear after a while of sitting silently.

My face turns red, "Sorry, they're really annoying," I take my arm off of him.

"Oh, it's okay. I would do the same."


"Wait, you live there?" I ask in surprise as I walk with Blake.

"Yeah. My parents decided we should move because the house we lived in was falling apart. I mean, the ceiling had a hole in is where my dad was fixing the pipes that broke. There's about a million pencil, marker, and sharpie marks all over the wall from my little brother and myself when I was a kid. To add on to all of that, my cat was peeing in the house everywhere," He motions with his hand as I break out in laugher.

"Wow, when did you move in?"

"Maybe three of four weeks ago. There are still boxes everywhere. I get the whole entire attik to myself and I have a bunch of cool stuff up there. Wann come see? Or do you have to get home to your parents?"

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now