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// AsianProtato //
// AND //
// AncientRosetta //

Anastasia's POV

It's been about a month and I would say a lot has changed. Relationships with other people and other boring stuff like that. Dell still lives with me, but he's been hanging out with some girl named Ashley. Teagan has been eyeing about every girl in school, now that I'm not so oblivious i can see that. The room that I used to sit in every day for lunch has been taken away and used for more storage. Also, two new students have come to the school.

Dell's new friend, or whatever, has been walking with him to my house everyday. I walk usually in front of them with my headphones in wanting to ignore their annoying flirting. The first few days were hard as Dell kept trying to talk to me, but he gave up soon enough.

Teagan, as it seems, has been watching and flirting with every girl in school like a total player. He even started one of those YouTube channels where it's like kissing pranks and other junk like that with some of his buddies.

I have been forced to sit at a round table like everyone else. The lunch lady told me one day that I could no longer wit in there because they were using it for storage. I looked around and chose to sit next to Andre. We talked a little, but not that much.

Two new students have moved in from somewhere and apparently they're both really cute. The brother is in 11th grade, the highest grade our school goes to. The girl is in my grade. I've seen her a few times because she's in my first period class and now sits one seat in front of me. The guy, I've seen him talking to girls before.


I walk out into the hallway and some big guys trip over Andre with his books. I want to go help but I can't. My feet won't move as all the kids start to crowd around and watch the act.

"Pick up your book scrawny," One with dark brown hair laughs.

The other one elbows him playfully and they both laugh. I want to help but I know it will just cause more drama for him. I have to though. I take a step forward but someone taps my shoulder.

"It's okay, I got this," The new girl from a few weeks ago smiles, I think her name is Rena. Her brother is Ren.

I watch as Rena enters the 'circle' and walks over to Andre whose hopelessly gathering up his sprawled out books. She picks up the book Andre was about to grab and hands it to him. She smiles and helps him up.

Immediately I hear people whispering about it. Rena takes his hand and leads him over to me.

"Th-Thanks. I could never do what you did," I compliment.

"Someone had to stop those jerks," She giggles.

I look her up and down and she is kind of 'cute.' I'm a girl, I wouldn't be the best to judge on stuff like that. Her hair is black and long to her waist and short bangs in the front. I'm surprised to see an eye patch covering her right eye. Her other eye is black, or dark brown. She's wearing the usual school uniform as told and she seems pretty normal. Her toothy smile has sharper canines though.

Suddenly she grabs my sleeve, letting go of Andre's and pulls me to a vacant hallway.

"You're magical," Rena smiles again.

"Wha-what?" I stutter. How did she know?

"I can tell,"

"Like Teagan..?"

Oh god. What if she didn't know about him? What if she's just joking about being magical? I'm such an idiot.

"Yeah, like that idiot," She giggles, "Well I have to go, my brother is probably waiting for me."

She waves and I wave back confused. I watch as she meets up with a tall boy with short in the front but long in the back silver-white hair with a red tint on the bottom. His eyes pop out as they are gradient red. He has on black denim jeans and his white collard shirt.

As Rena approaches him he pats her on the head and smiles. He says something but I can't quite make it out.

I walk out to the open and I'm out the door. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and look to see Andre shyly looking at me.

"Hey," I greet awkwardly.

"Can you tell her thanks?" He asks softly.

I nod and he lightly smiles. I watch him walk the opposite way I do. I keep watching him leave as his golden hair follows.

My view is then poisoned with the sight of Dell and Ashley. They walk side by side smiling and laughing.

Ashley has golden blonde hair and emerald eyes. Typical blonde without the blue eyes, but she's pretty anyways. Her skirt is really short, as short as you can get it without being sent the the principals office, but her shirt is just a normal collard white.

i notice I'm staring and Dell is giving me a weird look so i quickly turn around and start walking, plugging in my headphones. I turn up the volume as i can still hear their annoying flirting.

I keep my head down and continue walking home across the busy streets. There are more cars than usual. I cross multiple streets full of cars.

I hear a loud noise as I'm crossing the street and I'm shoved forward. My headphones come off as I fall towards the ground and I hear a loud pitched scream. I scream in pain as my body scrapes along the concrete. My hands and knees feel it the most and it hurts.

A truck is crashed into a fence on the sidewalk. People start freaking out and getting on their phones. I look down on my hands and see blood everywhere on them and my scraped knees. Worst yet, I see Dell crouched up on the ground bleeding.

When I try to get closer to him I see him but Ashley beats me to it.

"OH MY GOSH SOMEONE CALL 911!" She screams aloud to anyone.

'What-what happened?" My voice wobbles. I notice I'm shaking.

"It's okay, someone will come to get you two to the hospital," Ashley says walking towards me.

"N-no, I'm fin-e," I manage to say.

I try to get up by my body won't move. I look to see y whole body is still shaking. My head is falling.


Lawl. wait, I shouldn't be laughing... I mean *cries* WHY!?! WHY!?! WHY!?!!?!!?! I have been waiting for this to happen hehhehheh! I am so evil, sorry XD

Somewhat sneak peak question... 030
QOTD: If you are somewhat hit by a truck that is driven by a drunk driver that crashes into a nearby fence, what limb(s) would you break?

Shoutout to mkayariana because she is the latest person to add this story to her reading list! XD Read her book peoplesss!!!


YAY OMG!! 69 COMMENTS!!! 👏👏👏😂😂😂👌👌👌✌️✌️✌️🎉🎉🎉

~JOE OUT!!!~

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now