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I'm in the kitchen when I hear the door open. What? Dell..? I put my apple juice back in the fridge and walk to the entrance. Annie smirks and walks over, she hugs me tight and I hug back in surprise.

"Not to be mean, but what are you doing here?" I ask extremely confused about the situation.

"I came to cheer you up, and introduce you to my friend," She let's go of the hug, as do I.

"No, really..." I wave my hands and back away laughing. "That's not-"

"Annie. She's not into this, and neither am I. I'm not going to just start dating some random girl, and if she has some dignity, she wont either," A tough voice approaches through the door.

I look at him. He stares back and smiles sheepishly. My face is pink. He has black hair that quaffs to the side. A black beanie covers the most of his hair. He has radiant blue eyes, stunning. He has a hoodie with the sleeves cut off, his hands are in his one pocket at the front of his black hoodie. He has on loose but skinny black jeans. On his feet are custom high top converse that match the color of his eyes.

He continues to stare at me. I look down, still wearing school clothes. My hair is different, I got it cut. I have loose bangs and from the sides where my bangs end, I have one more longer side bangs. My hair then ends even at mid chest length. It's overall much lighter with some more layers.

I look at him again, he's still focusing on me. What is trying to do? I see the tip of his lips perk up. I frown slightly. It's like he's studying me to see whether or not I'm good enough for him. But what about those comments at the door? He sounded like he was acting too good for me; like he didn't have anytime in his 'busy' day to stop by.

"What are you doing?" I ask slightly harsh. I mean he came here to supposedly be my replacement Dell.

"Looking at you," He replies easily. I bet his ego is giant.

Out of no where two black ears and a black tail with a white end come out on his body. His ears are peaking out from under his beanie and I see his tail slowly swaying back and forth. Two can play at that game. In less than seconds, my hazel brown ears and tail show up, my tail swaying slowly.

"Nice," He smirks briefly.

I continue to stare at him. I look at his cut sleeves. He looks like a bad boy. Why is he even here? I know why he's here. I just want him to leave. Yeah, even I have to admit he's gorgeous, but who cares?

"Annie, I'm really not into this type of stuff. He's just not... I don't exactly-" I try to say it but I can't get myself to.

"You think just because I look like a bad boy, I am?" He asks as if reading my mind.

I'm speechless.

"What are you into then?" He almost challenges me.

I shake my head. I really don't want to get into all this stupid stuff. I try to start and speak, but I can't.

"I don't want to bud into anything I'm not involved in," He backs away and teleports away.

Annie sighs and looks at me, "Jay is a really interesting guy. He's deeper than you would think. Sorry for bringing him here though."

"It's okay, I know you were just trying to help," I smile and hug her.

She let's go of the hug and gives me a piece of paper, "His number."

Before I can reject it she teleports away. Nice exit. I walk to the fridge and grab the apple juice. I walk upstairs with both the paper and the apple juice in my hand. I sit on my bed putting the apple juice besides me and grabbing my phone. I open up the piece of paper and look at it.

Meet me at special little park of yours if you want to talk. Any day after school up until Friday at 6:00 p.m. If you don't come, I'll expect you don't want to talk at all.
- Jay (###)-###-####

I smiles a little, does he care..? I place it on my bed stand and open my apple juice. I take a few sips and set it down too on my bed stand. Calmly, I open turn on my phone. Unlocking it, I know what will come next.

~ I've Always Wished For Someone I Could Just Simply Talk To ~

Kappa, but you don't know what will come next >:D Unless you do..? Guesses anyone? >:3

How are all of you amazing cat crazy... people... things..? Kek ouo;


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