Black Silence

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I walk outside and quickly follow Ana into the cold air. I catch up to her on my crutches and we walk side by side. We walk in utter silence. I can't drive my car until my knee heals, which sucks, allot.

I still don't know what I'm going to do about the bet. Every moment I had I begged Teagan over and over again, bribed him, and even threatened him to end the bet; he didn't buy any of it. I tried getting closer to Ana, like friendship, because I'm still with Ashley. I don't even know anymore.

Teagan kept getting in the way and separating me from Ana. Every chance I got though I would walk next to Ana, and we would talk about... we wouldn't talk... Teagan says that she still likes me, but that may have been al apart of his evil plan.

"Do you like me?" I ask, breaking the bothersome silence.

"W-What?" Ana asks surprised, "I-I like... Uhm well you know, I just... Aren't you with Ashley? I mean, I don't even know where that question came from. You're an idiot for asking. Like... you're with Ashley, so why would that matter..?"

"Calm down, it was just a question," I laugh while she speeds her pace more.

"It was a stupid question," she mutters under her breath.

"Do you though?"


"Ana... please answer," I plead, needing an answer.

"Oh look there's school," Ana points out to the top of the school.

"It's still like two minutes away. All we can see is the top..." I tell her as she continues to speed forward quietly.

I continue with her as she eventually slows down her pace to normal. I decide to just keep quiet until further notice.

We enter school earlier than usual. But of course, Katie is standing there with some of the older suitors towards her.

"Awww! Look at the cute little couple! How about you two kiss for everyone," Katie chuckles.

"I wish," Ana mutters under her breath.

Suddenly she looks at me with wide eyes. her face is red and she's obviously biting the inside of her bottom lip. I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to hear that.

At least I know she still likes me. She continues looking at me, her face pink. Her eyes lightish brown.

"Look at them stare at each other, deep in love! Come with me Dell," Katie takes hair and leads me around hallways, people giving us funny looks.

We stop, not far from the entrance. She finally let's go and I rub my hair, balancing myself on my crutches. She smirks at me.

"Do you still like Ana?" She asks bluntly.

"What?" I ask a little confused on the subject.

"You heard me, now answer."

"I'm with Ashley."

"You still didn't answer."

"Shouldn't that answer the question?"

"It should... but in your case it doesn't"

I look into her blue (blueee.... yeah...) eyes. She looks me up and down. She seems to be searching for something. Suddenly, her eyes avert past me, her smile from ear to ear. She puts both of her palm on my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss.

Her warm lips brush up against me, but she keeps my head there anyways. I pull away with fury. I wipe my lips and look back to see what she was staring at.

I see Ana being helped up from the floor with scattered books around her by some guy who looks younger than us. I see Ashley standing by for moral support, but luckily she isn't glaring at me, nor did she see me. My eyes direct back to Ana.

She's staring at me, hurt silenced eyes. She keeps staring as the guy pulls her up from the floor and Ashley is collecting her books from the ground.

"It's time for you to choose, Ashley, or Ana. Goodbye love," Katie says from behind me as she struts off.

I walk with my crutches over to them and Ashley quickly hands the guy Ana's book as she skips over to me and hugs me.

"Heyo cutie! What did the Witch want?" She asks whispering the lastpart in my ear as she let's go of me.

"Oh the Witch? She just wanted to make fun of me in person; you know, person to person; one on one," I lie.

"Okay. Some of the older boys pushed Ana over. Blake came over and helped,"

She points to the boy handing Ana her books. He's a little shorted than Ana, but it's hardly noticeable. His hair is wavy and blonde, and pretty short. He has on black pants and his white sleeves are rolled up. His shoes are just normal black converse like the majority of this school, which is a little weird now that I think about it...

I watch as the boy and Ana talk silently and smile. Ashley keeps talking but it's hard to listen to her.

Suddenly, someone pushes me a little and I stumble a bit on my crutches and my mind finally comes back to reality.

"Oh my god Dell I'm so sorry! I asked Ana to nudge you a little because I was afraid I was going to hurt you!" Ashley apologizes over and over.

I look over to Ana and she's cowering next to Blake. I half smile and nod telling her it's okay. It seems like she wants to care, but she doesn't want to because she just thought she saw me kiss Katie.

"Dell, the bell is going to ring soon," Ashley awakens me once again.

She starts walking side by side with me. I walk her to her next class and she mini hugs me before I leave to go to mine. Ana is waiting in the hallway. I walk over to her and stand next to her, leaning against the cold wall.

"I can't believe you," Ana states coldly.

"It wasn-" I try to reason with her.

"I don't care. You left me back there with those assholes," Ana whispers, her voice cold and hurt.

"What did they do?" Anger starts creeping into my voice.

"Like you would care."

"I care."

"Sure. You're too busy kissing up to all the girls in school, literately."

I can't believe her. I didn't actually...

"Even Teagan is better than you," She mutters.

"Shut up," I state with anger.

I regret it the second I say it. She shuts up as told and looks down at her black high top converse. I look down at my own black converse. We stand there in silence and wait for the bell to finally ring.


Hope you liked it XD


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