Dreaming Terrible

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"It's so nice out," Dell states. He scoots closer to me on the top of his car.

"Yeah..." I blush, my cheeks are red. The stars are beautiful...

"I'm glad you came with me. It wouldn't of been as close to as fun without you," He get's even closer. I feel his body heat.

In less then a blink of an eye, I feel his hands on either side of me. I open my eyes to discovers they are, and he's looking down on me. He smiles, his perfect smile. I feel my cheeks burning. He leans down closer. I feel butterflies inside of me as his warm lips touch mine. Tingles go through my body.

"ANASTASIA!" Someone screams in my ear.

My eyes open and I sit up. I look around and see Blake. He calmly set's my pillows behind my back. I sit up, leaning up against the pillows. I look at the TV in front of me. I'm about to grab my laptop but Blake stops me.

"Just relax, okay?" He smiles as he puts a tray of scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and apple juice in front of me. "I'll see you after school."

"Thank you," I smile sheepishly.

He puts the remote by my side. I close my eyes as he hugs my lightly. He leaves and shuts the door softly behind him. I smile as I turn on the TV and take a bite of bacon.

Blake's been really nice lately. The conversations at school have calmed down about him, but there are still things going around. His mom hasn't heard anything. We aren't pretending to date anymore, which is nice for both him and me. He's been taking care of me while I've been somewhat sick.

I guess it's like a depression sick... I told Dell no. He and Ashley have been getting more and more serious every day. We aren't much friends anymore. We still talk a little and acknowledge each other.

(Mini flashbacks will be in bold and italicize).

No. It would be better for your relationship. I remember telling him that like it was yesterday. Yet, it was about a month and a half ago. I got sick a few days ago when everything started to hit me. When I saw them get closer. When they got caught for kissing. I just broke down.

It's stupid. It's just a boy. High school relationships don't work out. Do they? Why should I care. Vincent moved to our school. All the girls are fanning over him. He smirks and laughs when they crowd him. Annie hates it. She and him keep getting in fights. He's the alpha though, he controls her. He's the master.

Rena and Andre are going great. Ren is still being a baby about the two together. He keeps whining about how him and Rena don't spend as much time together.

I grab my laptop. I open up my YouTube and refresh the page. I pause the video and scroll down to the comments.


I sigh. It's the same thing over and over again. I wipe my face. Someone posted the some video Dell recorded. The one where he told me he hated me. They posted it on Valentines Day. It was great. Ren texted me about it. I was at home while my friends were out with their love and I was eating chocolate watching TV Valentine's Day specials.

Now I'm not saying that's a terrible way to spend your Valentines Day. It was great, really. That though, it ruined my day. I was already somewhat sad I said no to Dell. Appearanlty they eneded up not going camping and Ashley just spent the night with Dell at his hotel room. There are rumors that I choose to ignore about it.

Dell told me that none of them were true, back when he cared. It's over for us. I should have said yes. I should of said something to him. Of course, I didn't.


"Hey, you up princess?" A voice asks.

My eyes flutter open, "What Blake?"

"Sorry, it's not Blake," I see a famaliar smile. It makes my heart melt.

"Sorry. What are you doing here?" I ask out of curiosity. Dell never comes, not anymore.

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay. Rena told me you were feeling down," He pets down my smooth hair.

"I'm okay, I think I'll go to school on Monday," I assure him.

"Sweet. Want to hang out the rest of the day?" He asks.

"Sure." I suddenly feel like I could do anything.

He get'sup and leaves the room. I get up and take off my white collared shirt. I sift through my drawers for something to wear. Maybe I'll use some magic...


Not a cliff hanger :3 I just wanted to give you guys an update :3 my electronics got taken away :3 so here...

Love you long time ❤️


~ Delsia Out

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now