Thank You

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Anastasia's POV

Mum: You're not inviting Your friend Dell?
Me: No...
Mum: Why not?
Me: We dont talk much aynmore
Mum: What?
Me: HHe's moved on

Mum: You okay
Me: Perfect :P

I sigh. I wish I would have invited him too. Ashley and him broke up about a week ago. (all yall thinkin of that, i gotchu eue). Some people said that he broke up with her, other say it was the other way around. No one really knows. Someone saw them talking in the parking lot where Dell drives her home and himself. After a minute of them talking silently to each other Ashley started walking home.

Dell asked me if I wanted a ride home the next day. I refused. I'm just his back up after all. I still have a knot in my stomach telling me he broke up with her because of me... It can't be though. Ashley texted me on her way home I'm guessing or at home on the day they broke up and she said they broke up. i asked why but she didn't reply.

The drama has been on the down low except for Katie trying to get Dell back. He talks to me often now, Dell. Katie and I have been getting along a little better. Teagan and I talk, hardly though. He's moved up in the popular ranks fast.

There is a big thing coming up though, not a big deal to me though, yeah... it is. Another dance celebration the end of the year on Friday the 12th. The Tuesday after that is the last day of school. I'm thinking about volunteering or getting a job to fill in for the time. Jay's talking about volunteering at his dad's farm.

Jay... He's probably the closest friend I've ever had. Rena and I are hardly hanging out. She's always with Andre. I'm happy for her though. We hang out at my house a couple of times. I laugh. It's always about how she ships Jay and I. He's just a friend. (#FRIENDZONED LOL)

I look at the computer refocusing on whatever dumb video I was watching. or some reason, I still love this junk. I pause and exit out of the video. 8:45. Dammit. I miss my parents. I miss Dell. Dammit.

"I'm SO LONELY HOLT SH*T!!!" I scream. I look at the ceiling. I need a life, I need a family.

I miss everyone. This is so depressing. Every single night it's the same thing. Alone, boring,depressing. Everyday.

Dell's POV

Unknown: Dell?

Should I answer..? Well they know me. I probably should. But it's a little creepy. Whatever. Yolo. i laugh at my idiotic comment.

Me: Uhm, who is this?

Unknown: Anastasia's mother

Me: What?
Unknown: Why did you and my daughter stop talking?

Me: what did someone tell you?
Unknown: She didn't invite you to our wedding, I was expecting her to

Jay. I'm going to murder Annie for setting this up sooner or later.


"Who the f*ck is Ana with?" I ask aggrivated. Everyone laughs a little knowing I'm a little jealous.

"Jay. I set them up because she was lonely you little asshole," She smiles as she watches them eat together along with the rest of us.

"What? You little-" I stand up bumping the table.

"Hold your horses. She was sad because you left her," She stands up to try and even out eye level.

I shake my head and sit back down, "Just don't tell her I'm magical." I whisper close to her ear leaning over the table.

She gives me a weird look and shakes her head, "Whatever floats your weird ass boat. I don't... never mind I don't care anymore."

*Flashback Over*

I can't get over her. I guess that's why Ashley broke up with me. She noticed. Ashley was amazing though. I feel terrible about it.

Unknown: Hello?

Me: She invited her friend Jay
Unknown: She misses you
Me: What?
Unknown: *Screenshot of Convo w/ Ana*

I feel my heart flutter, as girl as that sounds. Does she really miss me? She was sarcastic. She had to be, right/ but ti doesn't mean she likes me. Maybe. I don't know.

Me: I miss her too :/
Unknown: Can you come to the wedding?
Me: Of course
Unknown: Great, it's
When: June 19th, on a Friday
Time: 2:00 in the afternoon
*insert romantic place near the beach derp EFBJKDFBD* *insert directions lololol*

Me: Thanks :)
Unknown: Thank you

~ I Felt Like An Idiot When I Learned That We Could Have Been Together This Whole Time ~

I made this chappy liast night tbh, writing tear >;3 this is for hardly updating!!! <3 luv yah bbs

~ Master Shipper Out

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now