Selfish Dell

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• LOL!!! I was seriously about to name the chapter "Humpty Dumpty" because I'm feeling so lazy right now 0~0 XD

On Monday during lunch I wait for Dell in the room. He never comes.

After school I wait to walk with him. I see him taking someone home in his Ferrari.

I wait the next morning on Tuesday to walk with him, I even wait right outside his house. He pulls out in his car. I wave. He looks at me for a split second and leaves me in the dust.

This continues on until Thrusday.

Thursday morning I wake up and get ready for school as usual. I walk outside my house, it's a little cold. I'm about to go back inside when someone's arms is put around me. Butterflies fly in my stomach as I turn hoping to see Dell's face staring down at me.

I smile and turn to see Teagan. My smile eases back a little but regains and my face turns pink.

"Let's walk." He says cooly. "Okay." I smile and nod as we walk down the street, "Did you move?" "Yeah, I live about a two minute walk from you. I was going to surprise you on your birthday, (Which I'm pretty sure I made Friday 0.0) but I couldn't wait to see your smile."

We near Dell's house and he's just about pulling out of his driveway. I don't acknowledge him this time, like I've tried for the past few days.

"H-hey Ana! Want a ride to school?" He yells out from his car waving. "I think I'll walk." I say in a low tone.

He nods and fakes a smile. He takes off towards school.

"I don't like him." Teagan says seconds later as we proceed walking.

I giggle and smile at the comment. I know it's mean, but I've been trying to talk to him for days. The one time I'm with someone else he acknowledges me. He hasn't even answered my many, many, texts. I can see he's read them all.

We get to school and the day proceeds like any other day, but with Teagan. Everyone gapes at how I'm hanging with the "new kid" who's hot, and smart, and blah, blah, blah.

I sit with him in the room at lunch and we catch up on new things [magic tricks and such] that we've learned. When we come out people gossip about how we were kissing or some other stupid junk. I just ignore it and move on.

I bump into Dell on my way out of sixth period. Katie's with him and she whispers something into his ear.

"I see without me you've become a nerd again." He says I'm guessing repeating what Katie had just said. "I see you've become a slave again." I snap back.

A familiar hand touches my shoulder and holds me close.

"Don't be a follower, Dell. I hope your proud for making fun of a girl, and someone's whose birthday is tomorrow." Teagan says coldly.

Dell looks held back by this and Katie keeps her posture. Teagan as I start walking towards my locker and I put my stuff away and grab the stuff I need. We take a stop by his locker which is right by the door and then exit.

We start walking towards my house and I hear a car coming close to us. I look behind and a red Ferrari whisps past us. The one in the passenger seat flips us off as they drive by.

I can feel my eyes turning pure red for anger. My fists clench and I glare at the car as it disappears down the road. A soft hand caresses my fist and my anger lightens. My eyes turn back and I exhale deeply. He holds my hand.

It's not as warm as Dell's. Why am I comparing the jerk who can't pick between a slut whore to... UGH!

I squat/sit down in the middle off the sidewalk and clench my head I roll into a ball, still sitting and start to cry. What the frick have I become?!?

Dell's POV

As we pass by Ana and Teagan I see Katie flip them off while we drive by. I turn and give her a glare.

"WHAT THE FU-Why did you do that?!?" I ask a angrily slowing down. "I dunno. I felt like it, and it was funny as hell!" Katie starts laughing hysterically.

I pull over and stop the car. It's my fault she did that and I have to fix it. I hate the way I've been treating Ana for the last few days. Her birthday is tomorrow and I've been an asshole. I have to shove my stupid self centered self aside and think about her.

I get out of the car, taking the keys and everything, and start running up the sidewalk. I reach a point where I can see both Ana and Teagan.

What the... I look closer and Ana is curled up in a ball sitting in the aidewalk, her arms over her head and Teagan starts to squat down next to her. He pets her hair lightly saying something I can't understand to her quietly. I run up to them and Teagan glares at me.

He stands up and walks over to me. I can hear Ana softly crying. What happened?!?

Teagan comes right up next to me, grabs my arm tight, and walks us far away from Ana down the sidewalk.

"This is your fault you magical ass." Teagan says through his gritted teeth.

I see his eyes turning red. Wait... what's happening?!? He's magical?!? How does he know I am??? WHATS GOING ON?!? DOES ANA KNOW?!?

"I don't even know where to start." I say my eyes wide.

He comes closer. He's a little taller than me and his eyes are red. I try too muster up some anger and make mine red to intimidate him, but I can't at the moment. I'm too fazed and confused.

He smirks, fangs growing, "Lets start with me beating you up."


I made it pretty long 030 I know you guys just love cliff hangers, XOXO!!!

Anastasia x Teagan
Anastasia x Dell

Comment for shoutout boi... or girl 0.0 lol

~JOE OUT!!!~

Anastasia CattsWhere stories live. Discover now