He helps you break a habit

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Credit (smvshton)
You wake up in the middle of the night with Calum sleeping like a rock next to you. You check the clock on your phone before getting up and going downstairs to drink some water. It's 4AM and you already know that if you don't go to bed right away you're gonna be a wreck in the morning, but you really don't want to be in bed right now. After having a glass of water, you sit on the couch and turn the TV on. You're gonna fall asleep in one hour, maybe, and then wake up in the morning on the couch with your back and neck hurting and you're gonna be tired and not able to get through the morning without a coffee every hour. You already know this because it's been happening almost every day for the past few months. Calum keeps telling you you need to stop and sleep, but you can't help it, you can't sleep a full night without waking up and if you wake up you can't just lie in bed awake.
You're watching a rerun of Scrubs when you hear footsteps on the stairs. You turn around to see Calum only wearing his sweatpants and walking to you while he rubs his eye.
"Hey, what are you doing up?" you ask, noticing he's extremely sleepy.
"I could ask you the same question". He holds in a yawn and sits next to you on the couch.
"I couldn't sleep" you shrug, turning back to the TV. "Go back to bed, Cal. I'll come in a few minutes".
"Y/N, this seriously needs to stop. You need to sleep" he says, making you turn towards him.
"I'm not tired now. I'm not coming to bed now" you say stubbornly.
"Baby, you know you're gonna feel like crap in the morning. You need to get some sleep, you can't live off of coffee your whole life". You groan and bury your face in a pillow.
"I'm not sleepy now" you say in a muffled voice. Calum holds back a chuckle.
"Come on, come with me". He gets up, a smile playing on his lips, and he holds his hand out for you to take. You turn off the TV and groan, taking his hand and getting up. He leads you back to bed with his arm around your waist. You crawl under the covers and he holds you close, soothing you back to sleep.
The next night the same things happen. You wake up at 3:45AM and get up, trying to be as silent as possible so Calum won't wake up. But just as you're opening the door to get out of your bedroom he calls you.
"Y/N, where are you going?" he says in a sleepy voice.
"I'm thirsty" you lie.
"You'll drink in the morning. You're not going downstairs" he says, getting up. He stumbles a bit as he walks towards you. He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face in your hair. "Come back to bed" he whispers, moving your hair out of the way so he can trail soft kisses from your shoulder up to your jaw. "We can cuddle and then sleep, and then you'll finally stop drinking more coffee than water".
"Okay" you whisper and he tugs you back towards the bed, making you lay down and kissing you softly. He then wraps an arm tightly around your waist and holds you close.
"Don't you dare get up, I'll wake up and you'll be in soooo much trouble" he says making you giggle. He presses a tender kiss to your temple and closes his eyes. You do the same and fall asleep within minutes.
He does the same thing every night and that - along with sleeping pills - helps you finally get full night sleeps and not be a zombie in the morning.
MICHAEL: *WARNING: drug abuse* idek why I'm putting this but I don't want anyone to get mad at me for not putting it so I'm just gonna go with it
When Michael found out you were doing drugs regularly, he wasn't too fazed. But now he's realized things are getting out of hand, he's worried sick about you. He's scared that one day something really bad is going to happen and you'll be in a very bad situation either with the police or with your health.
It's a Saturday night and your friend Luke is throwing a party at his house. Luke's the one that introduced you to drugs and both you and Michael know at this party there are going to be many different kinds of drugs, and that is the main reason of interest from you.
When you get there you disappear almost immediately from Michael's sight. You see him sit on the couch next to Calum and Ashton, while Luke leads you in a different room to give you the bag of pills you've paid for. You take a few right away, and then take the others within the next few hours sharing some with Michael. You party hard for at least four hours and the pills you've taken keep you from feeling tired. You're dancing with Michael - who's laughing at how obvious it is that you're high - when you get thirsty.
"I need to drink" you tell Michael. He hands you his paper cup and you drink it all at once, thinking it was water. You realize it wasn't when your throat burns.
"Woah" he laughs. "Babe, I've never seen you drink a full cup of plain vodka that fast". Your eyes go wide.
"That was plain? And you were gonna drink it all?" you ask in disbelief as you stumble a bit on your feet.
"I was, but then you did it" he keeps laughing, not seeing how pale you've become. Everything is spinning now, but you blame it on the vodka. It's gonna go away soon, you tell yourself. But it doesn't. Everything just spins faster and before you can even realize it, you're passed out on the dancing floor.
When you wake up, you're laying in a hospital bed with Michael holding your hand and Luke pacing back and forth in the room.
"Hi" you say, taking a hand up to rub your eyes. "What happened?". You sit up with your back against the headboard and your stomach hurts a little, but not too much.
"You took an almost fatal mix of drugs and alcohol" Luke says. You look at Michael, who's looking at you with an expression you can't read. "They had to pump your stomach, that's why it might hurt a bit". You nod, looking down at your hands. "I'll go tell the doctor you're awake". Luke leaves the room, leaving you alone with Michael.
"You're not going anywhere near drugs ever again" Michael says firmly. You just nod. You're scared that if you keep doing this, it'll get so much worse, to the point where you either die or have irreversible damage. "Promise"
"I promise, Michael" you say, a tear slipping from your eye.
It's three weeks later and you're home alone. You haven't been doing drugs - other than weed, but that's almost healthy compared to the other drugs - since you got out of the hospital, and it feels bad. You've been working hard on kicking this bad habit, but it's hard. Michael is out with Luke, Calum and Ashton doing stuff that guys do. You want some pills, you need some pills. Your head hurts from thinking so much about it and you want them so bad you'd do anything to have some right now. Michael has taken all of your pills and cocaine away from you to make sure neither you or him take them. Well, almost all of them. You still have your secret stash that you keep for emergencies, and now this is an emergency. You take it down from its hiding place. You have five E pills and 20mg of cocaine. You're about to swallow one of the pills when you think about Michael. What would he say? You promised. You can't do this to him or to yourself. Your body is still very weak, you would probably overdose just by taking a couple pills.
"Y/N, don't. Michael will leave if you do and you really don't want him to" you say to yourself. Saying it out loud makes it more real and you really want to listen to yourself and throw away the drugs, but you can't. You need them, you need to feel high. You're in tears by now, you feel so confused that you're almost sick. Your hands are shaking and you reach out to grab your phone and call Michael.
"Hey, Y/N" he says and you hear the boys laughing in the background.
"Michael" you let out in a shaky breath. "I need you" you sob.
"Y/N, what's wrong? What happened?". He's death serious now and the laughing stops.
"I... I can't do this" you cry, full on sobbing. "I just want to take them, you know? But then I know it's bad and you would get mad and I would probably end up dying or in a rehab center" you ramble through your tears. "I just really wish I could take them and feel good for a while".
"Don't! Whatever you have, don't take it. I'm coming home right now" he says firmly and you can feel worry filling his voice. "If you take them, everything we've been doing this past few weeks to make you stop will go to hell and we'll have to start over again".
"I know, that's why I called you" you sob. You wipe your tears with the sleeve of your hoodie and start twisting the pills in your hands. If you only took one, he wouldn't notice...
"Y/N, stay on the phone with me" he says, as if he knew what you're thinking.
"You can't be on the phone while driving". At this point you're trying your best to take those goddamn pills without getting caught, and you regret calling him in the first place.
"I'll make one of the guys drive me, then". You hear shuffling on the other side of the phone and someone saying something, but you can't understand what they're saying.
"You know what, I'm fine now. You don't need to come home". You're dying to take those pills and get that cocaine in your system, you can't wait any longer.
The other line is silent for a few seconds, before Michael speaks up again. "Y/N, don't you dare take them. You know how bad it is! Please, don't do it! Do it for me, if you love me like you say you do". He's yelling now. You were just about to swallow one of the pills, but hearing him so mad made you have seconds thoughts.
Michael finally gets in the house. You hear him open the door and run upstairs to your room. He finds you sitting on the ground with your secret stash box open in front of you, twirling one of the pills between your fingers. He sits beside you, making you put the pills back in the box as you cry softly, hiding your face in the sleeves of your hoodie.
"Calum" Michael calls, one hand holding the box and the other draped around you, holding your back close to his chest. You hear Calum running upstairs.
"What?" he says, peeking his head in the room. He gives you a sympathetic look seeing you so broken, but you barely notice. Michael hands him the box.
"Throw everything away".
"I'll just give it to Luke" Calum shrugs.
"NO!" Michael yells, and then lowers his voice. "He needs to stop too". Calum nods and walks away, while Michael wraps both of his arms around you and makes you sit between his legs, his chin resting on your shoulder. He pushes your hands away from your face and kisses your cheek many times. "You did a very good thing, Y/N, I'm so proud of you".
"I just want one, Michael, I'm not asking for much!" you sob. "Just one and then I'll never take one ever again".
"Y/N" he sighs. "That's how addiction works..."
"I know, but I really need it" you keep crying and he just holds you tighter and closer until you both fall asleep lying on the floor in each other's arms.
Getting over your addiction was hard, but Michael was there every step of the way.

Florence + the machine's cosmic love has literally been on repeat the past week it's amazing. There's so much snow outside help

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