Picking You Up at School

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Luke: "Hey, (Y/N), didn't know your boyfriend was here," your friend said, walking to you at the end of the period. "He's not, he's touring," you replied, sighing. "Really? I'm pretty sure I just saw him at the entrance," she shrugged, walking the opposite way. "What?", you muttered to yourself, walking faster. As usual, the entrance of the school was a mess - everybody wanting to get out and go home. Yet, it wasn't hard to see a blonde head standing out of the crowd, and you knew to whom that head belonged. "Oh my God," you said, stopping abruptly. "Well, go get him," you friend pushed you, and got cheers from your other friends. "Okay, see you tomorrow," you told them, walking quickly to where Luke was standing. Before you could get there, though, he saw you, lips turning into a smile. Once again, you stopped walking, smiling and taking in his features. "Hi," he mouthed, waving. "Hi," you mouthed back, swiftly getting to where he was, only to be received by his open arms. "What are you doing here?", you asked, pressing your head against his chest. "I got a break from tour and wanted to surprise you," he said, resting his chin on top of your head. "I missed you so much," you told him. "So did I," he kissed the top of your head, squeezing you. "So, for how long are you staying?", you asked, breaking the hug, but maintaining your arms around his waist. "Not much," he sighed, cupping your face, "But it's better than nothing." "Ah, you guys are so cute!", your friend walked past you two, phone in hand showing pictures from your public display of affection, "And it's nice to see you, Luke." "You too, (Y/F/N)," he chuckled. "So, what are we going to do?", you asked, turning your attention back to him. "Anything," he said, "As long as I'm with you."

Ashton: "Babe!", Ashton's voice echoed through the phone. "Hey, Ash," you smiled. "Are you leaving yet?", he asked, and you could feel him pouting. "Yeah, I am," you giggled. "Okay, I'm outside waiting for you. I'm the hot guy by the car," he said and you laughed. "And I'm the hot girl holding several books," you said before hanging up. Buy, boy, you couldn't deny that Ashton did look hot leaned against his car with sunglasses on. "Hello there," he smiled at you. "Hey," you smiled back, walking towards him. "How was your day," he asked you. "Good," you replied, standing in front of you. "That's nice, 'cause it's about to get better," he leaned down, kissing you. Before you knew it, you were the one pressed against the car, standing on your tip toes and with your arms wrapped around his neck, hands playing with his hair. His, on the other hand, were lingering on your waist, one moving down to squeeze your butt lightly. "Ash," you mumbled, biting his lip, "We're still at my school." "Oh, yeah," he giggled, pulling away from you, "Shall we go, then?", he opened your door. "You know," you said once he was in the car, "You should come pick me up more often." "Yeah, why?", he asked. "'Cause it's nice to see everyone's faces after we kiss," you shrugged. "Oh, really?", he laughed. "Yeah, it's like they saw a ghost or something," you joined him. "So let's give them a show, then," he mumbled, pressing his lips against yours one more time. "I'm not ready to become a porn star yet, Ash," you smiled, breaking the kiss. "Ah, really? Man, I was hoping you were," he joked. "Just drive," you giggled.

Michael: 'How's hell?', you smiled, reading Michael's text. 'Horrible as usual. You're lucky you dropped out of school', you replied. "Texting Michael again?", your friend asked, walking next to you. "Yeah, I miss him like crazy," you sighed. "Hm," you were too caught up on waiting for him to reply to notice your friend's smirk as you walked together out of school. 'Ah, I would prefer still being in school if that meant I'd get to see you everyday', you giggled at his cheesy reply. 'No you wouldn't', you texted back. 'You can bet I would', you rolled your eyes at his response. 'Hey, don't roll your eyes at me', you received another text from him. 'I didn't roll my eyes!', you replied, knowing he was probably just assuming you had. "Yes you did!", you heard Michael's voice. "Surprise," you heard your friend say as you looked up, only to see Michael's tall frame in front of you. "Oh my God, Michael!", you jumped in his arms, not before giving your friend a thankful smile. "I missed you so much, babe," he whispered in your ear, hugging you tighter. "I missed you too," you said, breaking the hug only to pull him down by his shirt and kiss him. "God, how I missed this," he mumbled against your lips. "Me too," you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "So, how was your day," he traced your nose with his in a lovingly way. "Michael," you mumbled, slowly opening your eyes. "Yeah?", he asked. "We're still at my school," you giggled. "Oh," he opened his eyes quickly, breaking away from your hug. "Let's go somewhere more private," you smiled, taking his hand in yours and walking out of school.

Calum: "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)," your teacher said, "You're leaving earlier today." "What? No I'm not," you replied confused. "Yes you are, there's someone here to pick you up and they said you had to leave earlier," your teacher shrugged, returning to teaching the class Maths. You swiftly retrieved your stuff, wondering what could've happened for you to be take from school earlier as you walked out the door. Much to your surprise, it wasn't your mom or your dad standing outside with an angry look on their faces. It was, in fact, your boyfriend, Calum, with a huge smile on his lips. "Calum?", you asked, not believing what you were seeing in front of you. "That's me," he replied, and you stood there, looking at him. "Aren't you going to give your boyfriend a hug and a thanks for getting you out of school earlier?", he asked you, opening his arms for you. "Cal!", you exclaimed, running to him. "I've planned our whole day," he mumbled. "What did you do to get me out earlier?", you asked, breaking the hug to look at him. "If anyone asks, I'm your cousin and your distant aunt Mary died today," he smirked. "Oh my God, Calum! You sneaky little shit," you giggled, standing on your tip toes to peck his lips. "Is that all I get as a thank you?", he pouted. You rolled your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down, pressing your lips together in a real kiss. "People are going to think I have a really weird relationship with my cousin," you whispered against his lips. "Ew, you're kissing your cousin, (Y/N). That's gross," he chuckled, pecking your lips. "It's not my fault he's so damn irresistible," you mumbled.

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